hey guys i just want some tips

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kid that everyone loves!
as many no i have a f22a1 engine that i am planning on boosting but want a few tips

is there any way at all that u would recommend buying a ebay kit, i am only going to boost 4-10 psi so idk if that makes a diffrent,

if not please tell me some brands or kits that i can get for pretty cheap

I would never buy an E-Bay kit, ever. And FYI, boost is not cheap. If you want to do it right, then be prepared to spend some money...
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Start with understanding Forced Induction first. A basic knowledge of how a turbocharger works, and what exactly it does will give you a better perspective on why quality parts are important, and why you should steer clear of the parts known to be junk. Every time you put a low quality part on your car, you are just increasing the chance that something catastrophic could happen, and then you have to start at square one again.

If you buy cheap parts, you'll find yourself buying parts more than once. Buy the nice stuff the first time, and be happy with your results. Here are some good places to start:

HowStuffWorks "Inside a Turbocharger"

Turbochargers and Turbo Basics - Air Pressure Boost - Super Street Magazine

In this one, see "Setting A Realistic Goal":
G2IC Turbo Guide - A Guide to Turbocharging your Honda / Acura Integra

Good luck.
Also, get your shit running right and in good shape. If you turbo a worn out motor, its going to blow all to hell.

Start with understanding Forced Induction first. A basic knowledge of how a turbocharger works, and what exactly it does will give you a better perspective on why quality parts are important, and why you should steer clear of the parts known to be junk. Every time you put a low quality part on your car, you are just increasing the chance that something catastrophic could happen, and then you have to start at square one again.

If you buy cheap parts, you'll find yourself buying parts more than once. Buy the nice stuff the first time, and be happy with your results. Here are some good places to start:

HowStuffWorks "Inside a Turbocharger"

Turbochargers and Turbo Basics - Air Pressure Boost - Super Street Magazine

In this one, see "Setting A Realistic Goal":
G2IC Turbo Guide - A Guide to Turbocharging your Honda / Acura Integra

Good luck.
:thumbsup: good info...the last one is a little dated, but still great.
as many no i have a f22a1 engine that i am planning on boosting but want a few tips

Here's your tip, get your head out of your ass open your eyes, and realize you are the dumbest mother fuckin noob ive ever met in my life. You car is shit and would explode if boosted and knowing you this would be your next thread. " hye guyz Dose tis replaec my radiator?" or " hey guyz therz a whole in my engine, can i just JB Weld it lolzzz"
seriously, fuck off and get the hell off this site you worthless piece of shit, Damn you suck at life.

Fuck you,
and you didnt install the speakers yourself?
speakers are easier than the deck..
Its easy just get a turbo and put it in your trunk, then you can tell all your friends your car has a turbo, and when they want to see it you can pop the trunk and show them.
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