Honda Jet's "Secret" Flight

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Originally posted by Airjockie+Dec 8 2003, 04:09 PM-->
@Dec 8 2003, 03:26 PM
Whats with the engines over the top? Seems to me that with the engines at that angle, that they provide a high amount of downward thrust...  Hmmmm...

The nose is very long, and appears to have a great aerodynamic to it, but from the size of the plane, I think a dual turboprop would be a better setup, dont you clayton?

Turboprop's VS. Jet engine....

Granted they both run on a turbine, but the Weight to power ratio...goes to the Jets.... and less moving parts to worry about. Economically speaking..turboprop engines consume less, but need to work harder...but it is up to the designer on how he feels the aircraft should be, I prefer jets, simple little engines...turbo props have way to many parts to inspect and maintain. Cost wize..the jets are more exspencive.

Turbo props are also, generally, slower and operate at full throttle all the time. actual difference in airspeed is changed by a gearbox that actually changes the angle of the blades, making them more or less aggressive. Working in an enviornment where I'm around both, I've also noticed that Turboprops seem to need more day to day type maintenance.

EDIT: Ewww, that thing makes the new SI look kewl. I can see what you mean about it looking like a turboprop setup, but I don't even think the aerospace equivilant of a brown bag would save this one from being one goofy looking plane. I'll Take the F22 with its Vectored exhaust, internal weapons bay, and supersonic without afterburners anyday :). Oh, and did I menton it's the size of a seagull on radar! "The federal government sees to it that I know more then you..." :p
and it has clear corners.......stock...hehe
