How much have you changed? 10 years ago to now

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The Trisexual
I'm bored...and my lost contact post made me think of this

How much have you changed in the past 10 years.

Me 11 years ago VS today.


I also have 2 kids, fucked up 1543869 times and am ready to move the fuck out.

I actually only did it cause I think the 11 year old picture is funny.
I look the same, only 10 years ago I was 50 pounds lighter and didn't have any facial hair.

And I had "skater" hair to my shoulders.
this is from 1996 or 97... something like that...

and yes, she's grabbing my sack :p well, pretending too anyway hehe


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I never saved any pics of me and my friends from back in the day. I kinda wish I did. All I have now is fading memories of the idiots I used to hang out with, but it was good times.
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I never saved any pics of me and my friends from back in the day. I kinda wish I did. All I have now is fading memories of the idiots I used to hang out with, but it was good times.
same here. i have like i pic of back in the day with all my friends in it.
i was 9 ten years ago but smaller version of me. thats when i was an amzing student, amazing hockey player, and i looked like a cancer patient because my skinny ass (at least then, im 190 now?) had a bald head.
I was 8 years old in glasses with blonde hair, and I was a complete baby face.
10 years ago:

I was 17, was 6'3, weighed 135lbs soaking wet, rode a skateboard, had a 1st gen CRX, and I had earrings


I'm 27, 6'5, weigh in around 225(ish), work at a junkyard, still have a 1st gen CRX (and an EG hatch), am heavily tattooed, and have 0 holes in my body

still listen to the same music....and wear the same t-shirts
Just picture a skinny ass kid with big glasses and curly hair (more like a fro if it got too long).

Now just picture a taller, skinnier 23 year old with better glasses and buzzed hair. I'm not about to put my picture from 13 yrs old up here. lol
Exactly 10 years ago - I was exactly 9 years old. Considering today is my B-day.

Anyway - I had just moved to Northbridge and was pretty intimidated - had lived in the same town my whole life before that. Had to leave a lot of my first friends - many of whom I never saw again.
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Exactly 10 years ago - I was exactly 9 years old. Considering today is my B-day.

Anyway - I had just moved to Northbridge and was pretty intimidated - had lived in the same town my whole life before that. Had to leave a lot of my first friends - many of whom I never saw again.

happy birthday man gl w/ the new area

and ye 10 years ago i was 10 years old and had a mushroom haircut

pictures are probably in some stash that my parents keep
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Exactly 10 years ago - I was exactly 9 years old. Considering today is my B-day.

Anyway - I had just moved to Northbridge and was pretty intimidated - had lived in the same town my whole life before that. Had to leave a lot of my first friends - many of whom I never saw again.

Holy shit, Happy B day!
lol no i havent changed much appearance wise. you can notice that my cheeks are a lil fuller in the newer pic of me tho :)