HS gear poll

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i have no idea whats going on here...

The new Hondaswap fragrance was just born!

Let's call it "B"

What's the opposite smell of torque? Whatever that is, throw that in there too! (can anyone tell im not lovin the Si at the moment?)
Edit: I guess the burnt clutch'll cover that smell now that I think about it.
burned used motor oil. Like the kind that comes out of a tail-pipe. Yeah, you know what that smells like. :D
you mean the blue smoke smell after you put a rod through the block. yeah i know that smell too. smells like despair.
I think B is probably gonna fart in your box.

Maybe thats the real reason he hasn't had much luck with the ladies as of late. I just don't think they like that... Wait, how can you even do that?
Is that even sanitary? I want mine to smell like roses, not bunghole. How close is he to getting them printed anyways?
Sorry guys, i simply haven't had time to get down there to talk shop yet. No eta as of yet.
Yeah, I just noticed every time you make a modification they add more onto the price too.
You Reckon? This here thread is srartin tah sound like that there painted man establishment with them ol' nobby tired tractors.