Hummers = owned

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WRX Sellout

Don't think I've seen this posted yet, got a real kick out of it. Gonna see if I can snap some pics to contribute to the site.
That is awesome. Some of the hate mail is too funny.
F..k You back at you. I am a leader of those that are fighting to protect our right to freedom in the blessed USA. ... I myself am considering purchasing a Hummer H2, because of what it stands for: Freedom to buy what I want and pay for whatever excessive fuel economy I want in a vehicle. ...

Good god, I didn't think people this stupid could actually work a computer. That's right folks, the H2 stands for the freedom to fuck the rest of the world for oil. You too can drive a car that uses 3 times as much gas as a stock Civic and emits close to twice as much CO2 into our air all while covering the same distance. Tell me that we as a nation have not truly sunk to this level of stupidity.
Best site on the internet, well close second to hondaswap... ;)
I love it, I think it is time for me to submit some photos... :D
lol, I cannot believe someone would create a website on that subject! funny shit!

Why don't you guys just fuck off? Sounds like the only envy going on is that of you limp dicked faggotts pissed off at the world because you can't afford one. Why don't you focus on the on the scumbags sucking this country dry by feeding on the welfare tit or the fucking illegals we welcome with open arms, feed house and cloth? I work my ass off, I pay my taxes and I'll drive what the fuck I want. Be sure to give me a wave if you see me driving my H2 so I can run your tree hugging, save the gay whale asses over??

The H2 is a polluter. Based on G.M.'s optimistic claim that it gets13 mpg, an H2 will produce 3.4 metric tons of carbon emissions in a typical year, nearly double that of G.M.'s Chevrolet Malibu sedan.

I'm not sure if you really get the idea of what a Metric Tonne is. That would mean running 24/7, it would belch out about a handful of carbon every minute or so. I believe this is false information.

Also, under Bush's old tax cut (2 years ago) any SUV, leased by a business can expect a 12% return on business taxes. 20,000 a year is a DAMN lot of a tax rebate for anything, and is certainly not what one would expect from the H2.

As far as SUV's being better off in an accident, what a lot of people don't realise is that the formula works the same with Motorcycles. Motorcycles are safer than automobiles because of it's dynamics. Should motorcyclists be all up in our grilles about driving cars? An SUV is safer in a car-on-car collision, but it's dynamic makes it easier to get into an accident in the first place (What with flipping, 2 wheeling, and poor braking performance)

I think H2's are kinda cool. I wouldn't own one, but shit. And 13,mpg is about what a Dodge Durango gets.

-> Steve
Originally posted by Celerity@Jan 12 2004, 03:45 PM
The H2 is a polluter. Based on G.M.'s optimistic claim that it gets13 mpg, an H2 will produce 3.4 metric tons of carbon emissions in a typical year, nearly double that of G.M.'s Chevrolet Malibu sedan.

I'm not sure if you really get the idea of what a Metric Tonne is. That would mean running 24/7, it would belch out about a handful of carbon every minute or so. I believe this is false information.

Also, under Bush's old tax cut (2 years ago) any SUV, leased by a business can expect a 12% return on business taxes. 20,000 a year is a DAMN lot of a tax rebate for anything, and is certainly not what one would expect from the H2.

As far as SUV's being better off in an accident, what a lot of people don't realise is that the formula works the same with Motorcycles. Motorcycles are safer than automobiles because of it's dynamics. Should motorcyclists be all up in our grilles about driving cars? An SUV is safer in a car-on-car collision, but it's dynamic makes it easier to get into an accident in the first place (What with flipping, 2 wheeling, and poor braking performance)

I think H2's are kinda cool. I wouldn't own one, but shit. And 13,mpg is about what a Dodge Durango gets.

-> Steve

its safer for the person in the suv.

who every the hit is fucked tho.
FUCK the H2

i dont give a rats ass what it gets for feul ecconomy or what kind of polutants it produces

i think its a fucking joke cuz it truely is the ULTIMATE POSER CAR
its a fucking tahoe with a body kit
it sucks nuts and doesnt deserve to wear the hummer name
its a lame ass immitation hummer for all the pussy ass little fags that cant sack up and get a REAL HUMMER
fuck the H2
fuck the H2 and everyone that drives an H2

and for all the pansy ass H2 owners that are gunna try to tell me im just jealous that i dont have one....
sorry fuckers your wrong .... the H2 is a fucking joke... and if you own/drive one YOU are the punchline
get a real hummer faggot
Originally posted by E_SolSi@Jan 12 2004, 06:58 PM
FUCK the H2

i dont give a rats ass what it gets for feul ecconomy or what kind of polutants it produces

i think its a fucking joke cuz it truely is the ULTIMATE POSER CAR
its a fucking tahoe with a body kit
it sucks nuts and doesnt deserve to wear the hummer name
its a lame ass immitation hummer for all the pussy ass little fags that cant sack up and get a REAL HUMMER
fuck the H2
fuck the H2 and everyone that drives an H2

and for all the pansy ass H2 owners that are gunna try to tell me im just jealous that i dont have one....
sorry fuckers your wrong .... the H2 is a fucking joke... and if you own/drive one YOU are the punchline
get a real hummer faggot

[slingblade voice] "I like the way you talk." [/slingblade voice]

I would rather have a camouflage 1985 Military reject Hummer than a 2004 H2. Given the choice, I'd take the H2 just so I could sell it to some old monkeyfucker and buy five old cool Hummers. :angry:
you'll be thrilled to know the original hummer (now named the H1) is still in production
its still badass
it still has enough TRUE clearance to walk under the F'n thing
its still impractical as hell
its still a f00kin TANK


oh yead and

I would rather have a camouflage 1985 Military reject Hummer than a 2004 H2.


i know of a few places online that you can get mil spec humvees :) :worthy:
sorry my paint skills suk

I say let all those rich assholes spend all that money on that ugly P O S. Gives em something else to do than buy cars that look like they came from The Fast and the Furious.:ghey:
for each(bandwagoneer as bandwagoneer)
<bandwagon>hi. I'm on a fucking bandwagon.</bandwadgon>

once again, chevy sucks.
Originally posted by TDaddy@Jan 12 2004, 11:27 PM

I say let all those rich assholes spend all that money on that ugly P O S. Gives em something else to do than buy cars that look like they came from The Fast and the Furious.:ghey:

i would care if its something that effects me. i pay taxes and some of those taxes are going to people that are buying cars that produce alot of emissions and use up all the gas which is why we have to run cats and pay fuckin high gas prices. not to mention if those rich people that cant drive they might kill me in a head on collision while talking on their $300 cell phone, sipping starbucks coffee and trying to drive at the same time.