I have just found the worst smell in the world

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As far as ER stories, I only saw a guy that was "stuck inside" of his german shepard.

The rest are your usual car wreck scenes. Lemme tell you, you hang around those for a bit and you'll NEVER street race again. Shit, some of you wouldn't ever leave the house.

But the worst by far was putting the girl's face back on. She was cut around her face, in a circle, and her skin slid off. She was conscious, and I think she knew. I had to lie to her. Also her friend had the shifter impaled in her thigh - which of the two bad accidents I've been first onscene too, both had the passenger impaled on the shifter. And the radio blasting.
No, my dad is a firefighter, and the two car wrecks I was just something that happened in front of me. The second accident my dad was with me, which helped a bit. They had some saline solution which helps to put faces back on / skin back on / eyeballs back in. I DO know how to put an eyeball back in.

The homeless guy in the well was with the firedepartment when I was just with them.
That's gnarly. And fucking sick. Anything with eyeballs or feet getting cut up in nasty.

How'd you come up with Wile E. Coyote as your avatar btw?
My friend's dad's deep freezer with a whole cow inside unplugged for 3 months. Long story, but prob. the nastiest thing my olfactory glands have ever delt with.
I've got the worst smell right here. Posted this about 4 years ago, a story from when I worked at UPS:

(Weird, couldn't find the old post by searching, but Google found it right away.)

As I told a few people in IRC a day or two ago, I've been working at UPS for a few months now. It's one of the reasons I've been gone... too busy working. I work in the ECS (Exception Capture System) department. What's that? UPS uses maxicode labels to sort packages internally. If you've ever gotten anything from UPS, those are the labels with a bullseye in the middle and dots around it. Now, whenever the sorting system can't read one of those labels for whatever reason, be it the label is damaged, the zip code encoded in the label dosen't exist, whatever, it's my job to correct it. Those packages are sent to my department via conveyor belt (_everything_ is via conveyor belt there), and us little peons are given the task of sending the package to it's proper destination.

Most times the problem is that the dork who addressed the package wrote down the wrong zip code. We have an address system we work with to find the correct zip code for that particular address on the package. We then print a new label, smack it on the box, and send it on its way to be re-sorted. It would be an easy job if I didn't have to pick up every single box off the belt, and place it in front of me to work on. And WHY IS IT THAT EVERY BOX WITH A BAD LABEL IS LIKE 900 pounds?!... ahem.. sorry.

Things are always breaking open on our conveyor belts. Our main belt is still rainbow colored from 10 large boxes of oil paints breaking open. Nasty looking chemicals break open alot, too, which is why we have a haz-mat (hazardous materials) team on standby all the time. Oh, and did I mention the time a big box of crickets broke open? That was fun. :p

Anyway, yesterday a box broke open a ways down the line, and a smell started to escape. No biggie, that always happens when something breaks open. But it started to get worse. And worse. And worse. And worse... It became so overpowering, our department was actually evacuated and the haz-mat team was called in. Two girs had starting vomiting, and many people (including me) were feeling very queasy. According to one of the haz-mat members, the smell when he got near it was that of acid burning through metal, and he was worried that it was a container of acid that broke open and started eating through the belt system. We were moved farther back, and one of the haz-mat people donned a full protective suit to go clean up the mess. He got near the box, checked the label, and inside was...

A five-gallon drum of super concentrated liquid cheese.

I have no idea how any kind of cheese could have the smell of acid burning through metal, but this stuff did. I never got near enough to be sure, but it appeared to be about as thick as wet cement, too. :p The two girls that got sick were actually taken away in an ambulance. We also got to go home early.

I really did feel queasy after breathing those fumes that night, so I decided to call in today and say I wasn't up to working due to the smell from the other day. Everyone I talked to said they were going to do the same.

Cheese fries, anyone?
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mmmm... makes em want some jack-in-the-box potato wedges...:unsure:

the stuff probably smelled like that because of all the chemicals in that "cheese"
Super concentrated QUANTUM CHEESE

Most of what people eat anymore is closer to a chemistry set than grocery.
the worst smell I ever came across was in basic training at the BRM (basic rifle marksmanship) range. The bathrooms out at the range were "environmently friendly", being miles away from anything.... including plumbing. So the bathroom (yes bathroom with urinals and stalls and sinks) was basicly a building built over a huge pit in the ground, fermenting in the hot georga summer. Second worst was unloading trucks in vegas. Canned cat food with the pop top had freight on top of it that poped the top of the cat food during transit. So the cat food sat opened in a metal oven on wheels for 2 days of transport and parked 12hrs in the middle of a huge blacktop parking lot/heat magnit. By the time I got to the cat food it was no longer pastelike in consistancy, it was more ooze like and covered in hundred if not thousands of maggots ( had to get the maggots off to even tell it was cat food). So to be polite and return the favor I punch a hole in the inner wall of the trailor (plywood) and slid the open case of cat food between the wood and metal walls for the return trip.
well hell i kinda like 'retallyation' though it reminds me of something our current commander in chief might say, and sweet evil deed on the catfood, nootrac! :thumbsup:
well hell i kinda like 'retallyation' though it reminds me of something our current commander in chief might say


Dubya was the first thing that popped into my mind when I read that, lol...
Worst thing I ever smelled came from my friends ass...

We were on the way home from ihop (all you can eat pancakes for $5) and we were in my friends passport and 2 of my other buddies were in the back. One of them farted and it was so bad I started gagging, then took a deep breathe and just threw up all over the passenger window. Gate station squegies(sp? thats actaully a word I've never spelled before.} work great for getting off pancakes.