i need advice

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why do i have to get a bitch pregnant? what does that have to do with drinking? ok, my judgement isnt what it should be when drinking, but that doesnt mean im getting a girl pregnant.

im an average college kid. maybe a little worse. i know tons of people who drink more often than me, are we all headed to ruin? i doubt it. during our alumni bbq this year we had guys telling drunken stories that we could never top and now these guys have success in work and life.

i go to a school in the middle of no where. everyone drinks on the weekends. say im in denial, but i am in control of it. yes i drink often, probably too much. but im having fun while i can.

The whole world is edgy as hell tonight. I suggest we back away from the keyboards and have a cup of tea !

Slush isn't that particularly bad - He's a kid. Give him a break.

-> Steve

Also, No where in New Jersey is "the middle of nowhere". No way. You have obviously never been to Missouri.
Originally posted by Celerity@Aug 31 2005, 10:23 PM

The whole world is edgy as hell tonight. I suggest we back away from the keyboards and have a cup of tea !

Slush isn't that particularly bad - He's a kid. Give him a break.

-> Steve

Also, No where in New Jersey is "the middle of nowhere". No way. You have obviously never been to Missouri.
[post=548069]Quoted post[/post]​

not middle of nowhere. 30 min from phili, like 45 min from ac, but you have to drive to do anything around here. this general area is nothing though.
You said middle of nowhere.

And you don't "have to drive to do anything". Your on the Coast, Everything is right there for you.

Try living in an area where you go into town every 2 weeks to get supplies. Try living in areas of Alaska where you still do it monthly. Try living in rural West Virginia where it's still a hoot to "Do some cannin' and get those tomatoes in the jars"

Live in a place where people show off their pressure cookers.

That's where I'm from, fuckers. If I can see a Neon sign, then I'm in the middle of the action.

-> Steve
im more than an hour from the beach. doesnt seem like much, but at home im only maybe 20 minutes from the beach, and like 40 from a the only real city. there is stuff to do, but drinking is so much easier.
Haha, you guys are being way too hard on this guy for drinking. Did ANY of you go to college? I'm sure by some standards I was an alcoholic too when in college, but its not like this guy needs AA or some shit. LOL
Originally posted by B16@Sep 1 2005, 02:06 PM
Haha, you guys are being way too hard on this guy for drinking.  Did ANY of you go to college?  I'm sure by some standards I was an alcoholic too when in college, but its not like this guy needs AA or some shit.  LOL
[post=548315]Quoted post[/post]​

exactly. by most standards the majority of college students fall into the classification of alcoholics. and living with 2 kids that are 21 doesnt help.
i dunno about all you guys but i was gettin FUCKed UP every day at college...

until we see a thread by slushy that says i got a DWI, or i got kicked out of school for failing or drinking then let the poor man drink like a fish....
Well whats gonna happen if he just stops posting one day because he died in a car crash, alcohol poisoning somthin like that? College shouldnt be an exuse to go out and be fucked up every night of your 4 year college carreer. I have already had 2 friends drop out because of booze and drugs. But to each his own I suppose.
Originally posted by reckedracing@Sep 1 2005, 02:03 PM
i dunno about all you guys but i was gettin FUCKed UP every day at college...

until we see a thread by slushy that says i got a DWI, or i got kicked out of school for failing or drinking then let the poor man drink like a fish....
[post=548340]Quoted post[/post]​

We don't want another one in society to turn out like you.

Nah, its normal to drink but it shouldn't be your only release. Beer definately won't get you anything but liver problems, a gut, and sluts that you wish you really couldn't remember even vaguely.

No chick is going to dig a young guy that has a beer gut and all he wants to do is drink, no respectable chick that is anyway.
Originally posted by Drake@Sep 1 2005, 11:09 AM
Well whats gonna happen if he just stops posting one day because he died in a car crash, alcohol poisoning somthin like that? College shouldnt be an exuse to go out and be fucked up every night of your 4 year college carreer. I have already had 2 friends drop out because of booze and drugs. But to each his own I suppose.
[post=548344]Quoted post[/post]​

Thats life, welcome to it. I did drugs and drank all through college, whats the big deal? I have a 4 year degree and a great career now. If its not interfering with his goals, let him do what he wants.
*ahem* but how many years did it take you in college to GET that degree, mike? :P

i DID go to college... for a semester... but, i had kids then, so my life was way different. maybe i'm biased because my grandfather died of liver cancer due to alcoholism.

but i just see a lot of statements like this that don't make sense:

say im in denial, but i am in control of it. yes i drink often, probably too much. but im having fun while i can.

how can you be in control of something, yet say you drink 'too much'?

i shouldn't really be talking, i drink a lot in one sitting, but i'm not drunk every weekend.


i just was thinking i didn't want his life to continue down that road, and lead to what happened to MY family... my mom in particular. i think i'm just trying to say that i care. heh
Originally posted by StarBellieAngel@Sep 1 2005, 02:03 PM
*ahem* but how many years did it take you in college to GET that degree, mike? :P
[post=548432]Quoted post[/post]​

I still got it didn't I? ;)

slushbox, i'll have a drink in honor of you tonight! CHEERS! :beer:
Originally posted by Drake@Sep 1 2005, 03:09 PM
Well whats gonna happen if he just stops posting one day because he died in a car crash, alcohol poisoning somthin like that? College shouldnt be an exuse to go out and be fucked up every night of your 4 year college carreer. I have already had 2 friends drop out because of booze and drugs. But to each his own I suppose.
[post=548344]Quoted post[/post]​

i dont drink and drive, ever. i have a fraternity brother that got a dui last year. the shit you have to go through after is not worth it, let alone the morals of it. i also knew a kid that was in an accident with a drunk and died. and as far as alcohol poisoning, ive been drinking since early high school, not bragging; just making a point that by now i know my limits.
Originally posted by New2TheCarScene+Sep 1 2005, 04:36 PM-->
@Sep 1 2005, 02:03 PM
i dunno about all you guys but i was gettin FUCKed UP every day at college...

until we see a thread by slushy that says i got a DWI, or i got kicked out of school for failing or drinking then let the poor man drink like a fish....
[post=548340]Quoted post[/post]​

We don't want another one in society to turn out like you.

Nah, its normal to drink but it shouldn't be your only release. Beer definately won't get you anything but liver problems, a gut, and sluts that you wish you really couldn't remember even vaguely.

No chick is going to dig a young guy that has a beer gut and all he wants to do is drink, no respectable chick that is anyway.
[post=548401]Quoted post[/post]​

its not a release. i have a laid back life compared to most. and i counteract the gut in the gym, ill never let myself get fat.

ugly chicks happen once in awhile, but what are you going to do, thats life. but just because i drank them pretty, doesnt mean i dont use protection.

We need a monolithic nod to the stupidity of today's youth. :)