Last night: worst night of my life

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At least you didn't crash. I wound up drifting into a tree in someones yard Friday night.
Tell me about it. It was a crazy night to say the least. Id get more into it but big brother may be lurking.
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1st accident, nobody got hurt...then in most states...don't even bother getting the lawyer....just go do the driving drunk class, then go to court, plead no contendre to the prosecuter, and show proof of the class, and the charges should be dropped to a wreckless driving. Offer to do community service for about 50 hours...and they might let you off with just the court fees and the states minimum fine.

I had the Dui...but with an accident...front end, and no fucked up my world...and I got 2 more months and that shit will finally be off my record.....from 7 years ago..... :cry:
it don't work like that in CA, they will fuck me any way they can and they will. i know a few people that got dui's and got really fucked without a lawyer
the problem with the headlight out thing... the cop didn't write that part down in the report, he stated he pulled me over for the DUI crap when he blatently TOLD me he'd pulled me over for the headlight and specifically mentioned that I wasn't weaving or speeding.

If you're worried about losing your license, you can ask the judge to apply to get a restricted license right after they convicted of DUI(assuming the worst case scenario of 1 year mandatory license suspension on first offense). This gives you the ability to drive to and from work, school, and anything alcohol (classes) or community service related. Good luck with everything man, and my best advice is hire a lawyer, it can only help.
and on top of that i just told my reserve unit and i am getting a page 11 and non-ranked for 6 months or more. fuck
you shouldnt have told them until all was said and done.
whats a page 11?

and i thought being in the services usually helps you out?
but maybe that for everything but dwi's

and :werd:
innocent until proven quilty
ya i didn't want to tell them, but if it would have came up later that i got it and didn't tell em i would have been in more trouble, and its one less worry i need. BTW a Page 11 entry is like getting a write-up at work, but this is put into your permanent record with the military and can hurt you when it comes time for promotions down the road. also if i don't end up getting charged with the DUI the page 11 and non-rank won't apply.

the good news is that i just got home from talking to an attorney. they said that most likely, the worst case scenario is that it gets dropped to wreckless driving, but they fell pretty good about getting it dismissed totally. basically the officer didn't have probable cause to stop me, didn't read the miranda rights (which i found out today that i could have refused the field sobriety tests and breathalyzer and went straight to the station), and i blew the legal limit on the real breathalyzer. I am just having a hard time figuring out how much of their confidence about the case is real genuine confidence, or just them trying to get my cash.

speaking of the money, this is gonna be a bitch. they want $2500 down to start, and said overall it could range from $2500-6500. I'll be able to get a better number after tehy figure out how much time is going to be put into the case, but thats jsut what he told me after talking to me the first time.

yea so i guess this might turn out okay, but it sucks just throwing away thousands of dollars for stupid shit i could have avoided.
basically the officer didn't have probable cause to stop me

well i got almost home on the freeway and saw that i was about to miss my exit so i crossedfrom the fast lane to exit.

uhmmm... i would go talk to another lawyer...

going from the left hand lane to the exit lane in a manner consistant with "i was about to miss my exit" could give numerous reasons to pull you over...
did you signal?
did you swerve drastically?
how fast were you going? etc

if anything the cop can pull a "speed unsafe for conditions" as the reaosn to pull you over, i would seek a second opinion...

do you have friends who went through this and can recommend a good lawyer?
or perhaps family that have had dealings with a lawyer?
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basically the officer didn't have probable cause to stop me

well i got almost home on the freeway and saw that i was about to miss my exit so i crossedfrom the fast lane to exit.

uhmmm... i would go talk to another lawyer...

going from the left hand lane to the exit lane in a manner consistant with "i was about to miss my exit" could give numerous reasons to pull you over...
did you signal?
did you swerve drastically?
how fast were you going? etc

if anything the cop can pull a "speed unsafe for conditions" as the reaosn to pull you over, i would seek a second opinion...

do you have friends who went through this and can recommend a good lawyer?
or perhaps family that have had dealings with a lawyer?
no i didn't swerve, i crossed with my blinker on, one lane at a time, going the speed limit. i think thats what caught his eye, but techically i didn't do anything illegal.

and ya i'm gonna talk to another couple lawyers, but i have to make a decision within a couple days because i have to schedule a hearing with DMV within 10 days to keep my license.
You can ALWAYS refuse the field sobriety test. Then, at the station you can say that you want to see your parents before taking any tests. (I don't know if you can actually do that if you're over 18, but my friend was 17 when he got a DUI.) Kill as much time as you can, and then demand a blood test. Hopefully by that time, your BAC should be considerably lower.
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You can ALWAYS refuse the field sobriety test. Then, at the station you can say that you want to see your parents before taking any tests. (I don't know if you can actually do that if you're over 18, but my friend was 17 when he got a DUI.) Kill as much time as you can, and then demand a blood test. Hopefully by that time, your BAC should be considerably lower.

All the police officer has to do is find a way to get you into court (easy) The officer would read his report to the judge pretty much stating that you refused to take a BAC test and killed as much time as you could, then you blew something over .01 2 hours AFTER the fact..... the judge should beable to use that in nailing you even harder (for spite) becuase with out a doubt you would have been over the limit when driving.

1 beer is enough to get you close to .08 2 beers would put you at double that. If you would blow anything over .01 it would show that you had AT LEAST 2 drinks in your system at the time you were pulled over.

most judges are not stupid.
I know that. What I meant is that you can call someone down to the station to witness before you do anything. Be it your parents or your lawyer or whatever. I don't mean lollygagging around for 2 hours, but it should buy you a little time, without making it seem deliberate. Like I said, I'm pretty sure you can't call your parents down if you're over 18. My friend's lawyer told him that he could/should have done that when he got his. My friend blew a .02 and they still nailed him BAD.
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You can ALWAYS refuse the field sobriety test. Then, at the station you can say that you want to see your parents before taking any tests. (I don't know if you can actually do that if you're over 18, but my friend was 17 when he got a DUI.) Kill as much time as you can, and then demand a blood test. Hopefully by that time, your BAC should be considerably lower.

All the police officer has to do is find a way to get you into court (easy) The officer would read his report to the judge pretty much stating that you refused to take a BAC test and killed as much time as you could, then you blew something over .01 2 hours AFTER the fact..... the judge should beable to use that in nailing you even harder (for spite) becuase with out a doubt you would have been over the limit when driving.

1 beer is enough to get you close to .08 2 beers would put you at double that. If you would blow anything over .01 it would show that you had AT LEAST 2 drinks in your system at the time you were pulled over.

most judges are not stupid.
umm i think you meant anything over .10 would mean atleast a couple beers
1 beer is enough to put you at .08 so if a few hours have past and you have anything over .01 then it would show that you had to of been at least .08+ when taken in.

If 2 hours after the fact you blew a .10 then damn you were doin petty good when you got pulled over lol.

umm i think you meant anything over .10 would mean atleast a couple beers