Local Dumb Ass

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young grasshoppa
This is a perfect example of the supreme education in the citizens of my great county. You go Jackson County Schools!


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ummmm is there supposed to be a link or something in here?

or can i just not see it???

You just dont see that up here in Canada...
I'm a black metal fan myself so i could care less about the artists, being Canadian isnt soo bad, in fact i never knew it was bad in the first place. American dominance FTW.

Besides im Italian anyway, i was only BORN here but ya, im a euro raised canadian.
Ha HA funny shirt. No i dont mind, we make fun of "you people" too, alot actually. You just dont here about it! :D

Hey all that matters is we all speak english (varies from area to area) and all drive Hondas.... most.

Your Si is better than ours :(, but SiR sounds cooler :) so it all balances out.
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