mmm new mirage sextoys.

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there are SRS type R steering wheels.. $300+ though

Yeah, 300+ isn't what I want to do. Especially when I've got a perfectly good wheel/bag.

Besides, aftermarket/non-stock wheel in Europe = theft.
word well we blew it up on the trip :)

low comp in #1 and almost no comp in #3. awesome fucking trip though. wish it didnt have to end.
not really. finally gives me an excuse to take a half day and drop in the freshness.
Guess I shouldn't drive my Civic up there then. I have a set of handcuffs hanging from my rear view mirror, and I refuse to take them off.
That's one of the reasons it sounds stupid. They don't even let you do air freshners? That's kinda stupid. I never saw them to be that much of an obstruction
fair enough. That ship has sailed for me though unfortunately. In ohio they have similar laws. But they don't care enough to enforce them. At least i think there's a law.
There's one in PA, but most cops will let it slide. It just depends on how their day is going I guess.
or if it's the end of the month and they're short on tickets.

Got pulled over for rapid acceleration while pulling away from a red light at the end of the month. Funny. I wasn't accelerating that fast. and was only up to 24 mph when he got me.
I got one better. I left McDonalds 1 night and a cop let me pull out in front of him, I was in 1st gear going down a hill with the clutch and gas completely out. He pulled me over saying I was going 40mph downhill, and that I needed 10 years experience to drive that fast... I asked him how he knew I was going 40mph in 1st gear? and he goes, Your exhaust was way to loud for you to not be going that fast. I said he was crazy and doesnt know what an exhaust sounds like going downhill in a 5spd. He didnt really like that but I still got let go, but he was still a dick about it... Sorry for thread jacking TurboMirage! lol.
Yeah shouldn't we be talking about how badass that mirage is?

10/10 in the badass scale