Modern Warfare 3 Discussion

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Did anybody else notice that whenever you kill someone in a team game, you can briefly hear the audio from their mic? That's brilliant! Makes my day to hear somebody raging, lol...
I LOVED the cod4 flashbacks and intertwining stories from cod4.

Yeah, the flashbacks and the connections to the other games were cool. I guess I just feel like they kind of wasted some of the characters...
Did anybody else notice that whenever you kill someone in a team game, you can briefly hear the audio from their mic? That's brilliant! Makes my day to hear somebody raging, lol...
that's what I loved about Halo.. kill someone, teabag them and talk shit in the
lazy is part of it, but i also got a sale
so it makes me feel less guilty about buying something i don't really need.

i'm still stuck in the old school nintendo games for $50 bucks
if i can get it for less than $50 its not so bad
black ops ended up costing me $120 cause i had to buy it for xbox when the psn shat the bed
So any favorite guns so far? I put gold on the M4 already, and I'm working on it for the UMP. The Type 95 is a kick-ass burst rifle, and it's even better with rapid fire. The FMG9 machine pistol is awesome too. I love the way they flip out if you akimbo them...
been playing campaign on veteran.. its hard, but not Blops/WaW hard.. j get a couple achievements at a time then stop for the day.. 4 more missions and veteran is done
Only mission I had any real problems with was the final one, just after your juggernaut armor gets shredded, I kept getting killed right at checkpoints. :(
I've noticed that online if I turn a corner and someone is facing me while running, it doesn't matter if I aim and fire first, because the kill cam never shows me firing after they kill me off.
I have noticed a lot of lag time. I watch most of the kill cams and so many of them show me getting blasted without even firing my gun, and I know that I was returning fire.
If someone is facing me, anytime I quick scope to aim in I'm always off to the left or right. If they're facing away from me I almost always scope in almost dead center on them. I think there's a glitch somewhere.
i noticed the kill cam issue in black ops a lot
very rarely can i hear or see my own shots from the other person's point of view.
i think they switch the audio around so you don't so much hear yourself firing
i can even see the hit markers from their cam angle, but still don't hear my shots over their gun fire.

side note - my shit is out for delivery, i guess i live about 2 hours from their distribution center so its a win win
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I ended up with 2 shiny new ps3 games, instead of the xbox360 games I ordered.
What a cluster fuck. They had me reorder the xbox games and I have to return these
If I knew someone else with a ps3 I would just keep this and buy the xbox copy as well, but I don't know anyoone to sell the spare one too
You can't even put an attachment on your second primary with overkill on. Lame.
beat the campaign in like 4 hours on regular. a lot shorter than i thought it would be. i was hoping for some epic finale, but it was a little anti climactic. still entertaining though.

i have like 5-7 hours of online play. its pretty much exactly like MW2, just some new guns and things. i like the support killstreaks. i also REALLY like the kick weapon "perk". the UMP with rapid fire, kick, sleight of hand pro, quickdraw pro, and stalker pro is pretty damn powerful. its my go to run and run class, which i use like 90% of the time cause the maps are all small enough for run and gun. even sniperish maps are ok cause theres plenty of cover.

i also like the marksman perk for assault rifles and sniper rifles, makes identifying targets at range easy.
Have any of you tried the recon drone? It gets you ridiculous amounts of XP. Every tag counts for the same amount as a kill, plus all the assists you'll get. And if you use Hardline Pro, the assists will count towards your streaks...