More of my Build up

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Senior Member
Well here are some more pics of shit I got this weekend in preperation for my build up. I went to a local shop to pick up a block and instead I come home with 2. :D The guy was going to just give me a b16 block that just needed honing, but it was a bare block with just a crank shaft, oil pump, and oil pan. Then he offered for 50 bucks a complete b16a2 bottom end, that just had 3 melted pistons, and no other damage, the engine had only 30k when he over boosted it with a super charger. So I will be using the b16a block and most of the parts from the b16a2. Also my head came in this weekend. It was more coplete than the guy said it was, the only problem, is that the VTEC solinoid broke in the mail, and I am going to have to try and replace that now :( . But I am super happy, now all i really need to get my swap going is some b16 sir2 pistons, a trip to the machine shop, a new starter, alternator, thermostat, mounts, a buttload of seals and gaskets, and to get these blocks out the back of my 89 civic hatch... :)
So here are the pics, sorry they are kinda crappy.








beautiful, call me up when you're ready to swap, or if you want some help throwing it all together :)
Good luck man, looks like you got a pretty nice setup, takes some pics when it is all done, along with some dyno's, and time slips, if you have the time. I know how hard it can be to find the time.
WOW.. dont come online that much, and you got another swap goin.. wtf??? hey.. im down to help too... b16 will pick me up.. right?? lol
Originally posted by paragus@Sep 15 2003, 08:14 PM
WOW.. dont come online that much, and you got another swap goin.. wtf??? hey.. im down to help too... b16 will pick me up.. right?? lol

give me your hatch before you leave for FL and you got yourself a ride to his house :P
yeah i sold the first B16 as I needed money bad, so here is #2 and possibly #3. where have you been man? Yeah I need to find a machine shop and once I do I am down to get this bottom end together. I want to at least hot tank this block and some of my buddies down here seem to think that this block will be fine with out a hone, so I am going to see what the machine shop says.
Anyone know of a good NorCal Machine shop???
Oh yeah, and once I find a shop, you two besta get down here or I will bring the blocks up there and we will get this thing built...
hey man did you ever send the money for the bracket you wanted? when i was home last weekend i didnt see it. do you still want the bracket?
Originally posted by paragus+Sep 16 2003, 11:24 AM-->
Originally posted by B16@Sep 15 2003, 08:31 PM
@Sep 15 2003, 08:14 PM
WOW.. dont come online that much, and you got another swap goin.. wtf??? hey.. im down to help too... b16 will pick me up.. right?? lol

give me your hatch before you leave for FL and you got yourself a ride to his house :P

gimme 3ish gs and you got yourself a deal B)

c'mon, just give it to me for free, i'll put your name all over it as my sponser :D