My 79 1200

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Damn I love this car
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you really suck at this "nice-car-in-a-shitty-background" thing. seriously, that first pic looks like you are stuck in a ditch in the woods.
Set it on fire and post up some nice 4th of July pictures of you and the gang roasting marshmallows beside the waste treatment facility
I missed the Craigslist ad before it expired. What was it?
~1989 CRX in Backwoods Thrashed Condition
I didnt get it, guy in add said it needed a radiator fan, I get there and , cold crank it and it coughed a big cloud of white smoke, powder puffed it up the road with him in the car, and its running hot in under 10 mins boiling...... closed the hood and told him it needed a headgasket and went home