My new 2010 Subaru WRX

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So since early on having this car, I noticed that the windshield seemed to chip and pit easily. I've had a few small chips, but nothing that formed into a crack or even a small star crack. Just a small pit from the impact.

Today while just cruising, no huge bumps, nothing, I notice something creeping across the windshield at maybe 1/4" to 1/2" per second. Wtf? At first I thought it was some water dripping, but realized I was seeing a crack propagate across the windshield :(. The crack is now about 12" long. And I'm sure it'll just get longer. Pulled over and had a look, sure enough very small impact point where the crack formed from.



Fucking POS newer windshields. Called my ins company and of course they don't cover it. Well they "do" but it's under my comprehensive coverage ($500 deductible) and not a separate windshield coverage like I've seen before. Apparently it varies state to state and MD ain't one of them.

Gonna cost me 2-300 to fix.
So, wait, you have a $500 comprehensive deductible? How high is your collision then?

I keep a $0 comprehensive and a $250 collision.
Collision is also 500.

Considering the savings on my premium thus far, out of pocket is still cheaper.

I looked it up. With my plan at 0/250 like yours, my premium would go up something like $2-300/6mo
Also have mine at $500 makes no sense going lower. Price is offset pretty quickly.

Currently have progressive they only fix rock chips for free zero deductible. With State Farm they allowed a window replacement every year or two with zero deductible. Each company is different with windshields.
More snow love. This vid was taken in the same spot as the last pic, but there's more than twice as much snow on the ground.not plowed, just some tracks where other trucks had driven through it.

Also I plowed through too many snow banks along the way and bent up my front license plate mount a bit. Whoops lol.
On the plus side, my hood has been beat to shit from rock chips, so it'll get repainted.

I may even end up with a color matched carbon hood.

Getting the windshield fixed while they have it too.
Was trying to go around a guy, fairly slow speed. Was changing to the right lane (which is also a merge lane for oncoming traffic). He was moving slow, I looked right to look for oncoming traffic, when I looked back he had stopped. I slammed my brakes, and ABS slid into his bumper. He was in a truck, and my bumper went under his, that's why there's no damage to my bumper.

He had no damage to his car and my headlight took almost all of the impact from the ~5mph collision.

Hood is dented
Fender is dented
Headlight is smashed
Bumper (near headlight) has some slight scratches
Rad support might be a bit bent since headlight bolts to it.

Ins estimate was ~$2000. And that was with repairing the hood and fender. The shop that will be doing the repair thinks that the hood and fender might need to be replaced, but they will have to sort that out with the ins company.

It'll be repaired next week while I'm in Japan.
i think it was more narrow winter tires + retarded amounts of salt on the road

i think that had i had my summer setup on (wide tires,more grip) even if i avoided this collision, its possible i would have been rear ended by the person behind me lol.
^ I too usually do a panic look into the rear view mirror when braking hard. Almost an involuntary habit now.

I made a stop on a 4 lane 40 MPH boulevard a few years back for a pair of jay walking pedestrians - one dropped something and turned around to pick it up. Watching traffic behind closing in as I waited for them to cross lanes. Then, I noticed in rear view mirror the nose had dipped on the first car coming up from behind, tires smoking, squealing. I lunged forward at the last second and moved ahead staying clear of that one. She wasn't so lucky, and the bitch behind her plowed her car at near full speed - probably 30-35 MPH. I lurched forward again to move cuz her car was slammed forward another 15-20' or so. Disaster averted once again for me.

Tore up both the other two cars. Lady in car behind me left scene on stretcher with neck brace on.

My lucky day that one was.
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