~~Pet Pic Post~~

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Sweet InStinct

Hot Member
I thought Id make a thread for our pets!
Post pics of them and info on them if you wanna!
lol .. yeah I know.. not to steal away from B's M3 posts.. but you know you love ur "other" member of the family!

Heres mine.. Her name is Isabella "Bella"... shes part jack russell and part papillon.. but she looks like a toy fox terrier.. shes about 9 mos..

Isnt she adorable?


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i should have monkey in a few days :) i'll post pics then
no, i'm getting a cat, and naming it Monkey.

and i'm going to teach it to play drums on my head.

i'm glad you finally got an m3 cause saying shit like that will run girls off as fast as you can pull them in. :lol:
doesnt work i know

just search for grandmas boy in you tube and find the monkey scene its great
They are on concrete on the first one because we hadn't finished laying the wood floor you see in the other two.

The black cat is Pari and the White/striped is Tyr.


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