Possible CO meet?

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Sometime between the 18th and Xmas? I am headed up to CO for Xmas at my folks and I am pretty sure I could convince chris to come to a meet, is anyone else interested?
Looks like this will turn into a poor-ass racing code white event if the weather keeps going like it has been. Hopefully the drive up won't be too bad.
Come on, we have to have more CO folks here than that. How about the weekend before Xmas?
ide meet up if you make it on a day when i dont hafta work and as long as you promise not to laugh at my piece of shit car and fat ass. just keep in mind im on the krispy kreme diet and my god damn ls swap is in the garage being worked on right now. but yea im down just make a set date so i can check about gettin a day off work y0.
I am headed up on the 18th or 19th depending on weather. So what do you say to the 20th? Chris? Yay, three guys from Hondaswap, come on I know there are more CO people in the Denver area here than that.
Well, Eric, your brother (he's technically a member here :P ) and Brandon make 5, so that's decent. Plus, like I said, maybe I can get some Team Elude guys here too.

But he's right, come on, there have to be more than this to show up.
where exactly in denver? if you say lodo or something im gonna be pissed. i hate downtown denver, so fuckin lame.
No no, just the "Denver area". :) Most of us are around Boulder or Longmont, which could provide some good access to fun driving in the foothills. :D
Northern Denver or Boulder would be good for me, maybe a trip to Pho79.

Chris, how does the place near Scott's compare to Pho79?
*drools* pho79 is so fuckin good. i sware they put coke in the noodles to get you addicted. ide be down for a meet there. although all their asian asses with their NSX's and civics make me jealous. im sure if you guys wanna meet at pho i could bring another 2-3 people with me who dont check hondaswap often. so now we could get like 6-8 people. smoking section!!!
Originally posted by lsvtec@Dec 11 2003, 11:28 AM
Chris, how does the place near Scott's compare to Pho79?

Scott's Pho restaurant isn't quite as good, but they have a heavenly spicy chili paste that you can add that kicks the ass of Rooster Sauce.

Hondaswap meet at Pho 79 y0!
i hate pho79's sauces. that fuckin fish sauce or whatever that looks like soy sauce smells like shit. and i dont know what that sweet bbq sauce is, but its decent.
The red chili sauce (Rooster) is awesome, and the dark stuff is a plum sauce. And yes, the fish oil is hella nasty.
yeah i'm one of the owners of www.denverracing.com its a good site, full of cool guys looking to have fun... its small right now, because we got off of cosr.com because that place is nothing but drama nowadays... check it out! you guys can come to one of our regular meets if interested.
I know that I would definetly go, and I could get like 10 or more people to also come. Just let me know what day and time, and I'd be down. :D
Sunday sounds good to me y0! Plans for driving up are still in the making (the sooner the better) keep me informed about what the weather looks like.

If we are going to have a bigger meet (like more than 5 of us) we should meet somewhere before heading to Pho79,
if we do it this sunday i couldnt come till after 5, work owns me. im down for monday though. christmas break. :worthy:
I will be up in the Colorado area on Thursday, but I would be down for making another trip on Sunday if it is a for sure deal. I could probably bring at least one more friend also.