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okay, heres a topic i think will bring up an interesting discussion. whats your religion? i was raised christian, but now i just believe in God. my thoughts are that each culture created a religion to which it could relate with...whats your folks thoughts?
yah, thats why i posted the subject...i love debating. I actually wanted to be a pastor before i was corrupted by the world of underground racing.... :ph34r:
FUCK man thats a fuckin close one eh........ shit i never even thought about that one i mean not even for a second i still cant believe the people who become nuns and shit its lts like weed them but damn the a fuckin step and a half i think in a few years after they die off there wont be any nuns and preachers and what not. by the way im catholic but never did my studys or anything like that my sissters did but not me, i have been have a hard time believeing in god for a few years now though i want to and still do. its just when you see some kinds of things i wont even mention, it bocomes much harder to believe some one would let some thing like the stuff that does happen if there was any way to stop/contorl it. but just for a small example.

1. people startv all over when my fuckin fammly sits fat and happy wasting food

2. Bum fights that had to be one of the more disgusting things i can think of to make some one whos not right in the head fight another person in order to feed them self or a bad habit they have IE drugs or booz. and weed isint a drug :ph34r: :spin:

3.depression to the point wehre you want to kill your self or cut you self to relieve pain

5. guys who treat girls with so little respect that it makes you sick to your stomach to see the women treated like she is by whom ever

6. molesters and kiddie porn i have stumbeld across some when in my normal hunt for normal porn and i have to say it was wrather grotesque to see younger girls treated in such a fashion, it was almost a myth to me till i seen the pictures.

7. so on and so on etc. etc.
easiest way to describe my belief would be to say im spiritual not religous....

i believe in something greater than myself.... not sure what that is though.... i find most religions to be little more than elaborate fairy tales to explain the unexplained... most seem to be centered around a set of basic principles of decency though... so i take those basic features and form a "belief" of my own i guess

its hard to trust any religion that states that THEY are the ones who are right and the rest of the world is fucked :bs:
That was a great summary of what I believe in man, you couldn't have worded it any better. I'm a believer of something greater than myself.... If there were no forms of Religion to follow, then there would be no faith, and with no faith, there is no hope.
No religion, y0! I've got other things to worry about besides where I go after I die.
Originally posted by E_SolSi@Nov 15 2003, 12:40 PM
easiest way to describe my belief would be to say im spiritual not religous....

i believe in something greater than myself.... not sure what that is though.... i find most religions to be little more than elaborate fairy tales to explain the unexplained... most seem to be centered around a set of basic principles of decency though... so i take those basic features and form a "belief" of my own i guess

its hard to trust any religion that states that THEY are the ones who are right and the rest of the world is fucked :bs:

exactly how i feel. and about every religion thinking they are the right one, i agree on that too. every religion says that if you dont believe in their God, then you are going to hell. if that was true, then wouldn't everyone go to hell?

personally, i dont feel that its what religion you believe in, but rather that you believe in something. thats whats important. i feel the same as E, i believe in a higher being, i just think he/she/it isnt what everyone thinks.
Originally posted by TrailorParkPimp@Nov 15 2003, 11:29 AM
i believe this is a touchy subject that causes much debate...

more like name calling and arguing... :ph34r:

but to answer the question. I'm a Methodist. I haven't gone to church in years, and I don't plan on going anytime soon.
I'm a born and raised catholic. I feel the church is going away from its hypocritical molesting little children 20 years ago ways. It's kind of starting to feel like a non-denomination style church now adays and it isn't really bad, no implied beliefs, no you have to do it like this, just here it is, you can take it as you please and that's what I'm all about.

I've gone to many different forms of christianity in my life(divorced parents) and my favorite would probably be non-denominational christiantity, best speakers alive and you get the message the best, but there is none in my area so I attend if I'm not working the local st. michael's or st. mary magdeline(sp?).
its not about religion, its about your relationship with jesus, the rules of this world are stupid, follow gods rules, not the ones set by man.
Beer, Fast cars, and hot women....the best religion EvAr!!!!!
Im an atheist

evolution has been proven to occur through some organisms through speciation

big bang theory has more conclusive evidence than most religions i know of...and before all the theists start whining "oh no cant be true cause where did all the gases that exploded come from yep owned lol!!"
first off- big bang theory has evidence to support, and theism has none from what ive seen. time started as a singularity at t=0...any ideas before that is simply guesswork

and keep in mind the most important part of discussing these kinds of topics

the burden of proof is with those who desire to explain the previously unseen/unproven

ive found absolutely no reason to believe in a higher power at all...everything on earth can be explained by science

absolutely no reason to believe in a book that has no proof behind it, and also contains many contradictions and fallacies within it

and on top of all of that

if there is a god then there are two possibilities

1. he has an effect on the lives of humans. If this were true then there would be some sort of manifestation of his presence...if he were on earth he would be bound to natural laws and would NOT be omnipresent omniscient and omnipotent. Thus this becomes a fallacy

2. He exists and has no effect on the lives of humans. If this were true, it makes no difference since he has no effect on our lives anyways.

as far as souls or the belief in souls-

first off, religious people consider "souls" the electrical signals interpreted by out brain. In this case computers and other electronics would have souls too :bash:
Religion should be something you don't have to explain but have faith in, I support any religion aslong as, no human sacrifices besides my buddy jesus, and the ideals aren't that contradictory even then, its your choice, not mine, etc.

God bless free religion.
put it this way.....a book was written, and it sounded good, and was re-writen, and re-writen many times, lost, then found again, and re-written.........and it gets better and better all the time...til science was developed, and proof that any of the famed EVENTS ever happened...

so when this era of civilazation ends, and everything gets blown up, and the only Hardrive ever found that has any info on it, with pictures, a storyline, drama, sex, confrontations, relationships, technomusic, some minor porn, and etc.....then the future archiologist will deduce that B is a god...because it may be one of our hard drives they find....and all hail B.

it could happen...hehe
Originally posted by Airjockie@Nov 15 2003, 02:41 PM
put it this way.....a book was written, and it sounded good, and was re-writen, and re-writen many times, lost, then found again, and re-written.........and it gets better and better all the time...til science was developed, and proof that any of the famed EVENTS ever happened...

so when this era of civilazation ends, and everything gets blown up, and the only Hardrive ever found that has any info on it, with pictures, a storyline, drama, sex, confrontations, relationships, technomusic, some minor porn, and etc.....then the future archiologist will deduce that B is a god...because it may be one of our hard drives they find....and all hail B.

it could happen...hehe

i go to a christian theological school and speakers are always lecturing on how they researched and discovered that every single thing in the bible DID happen, there was a man named jesus who was crucified, whether you wish to accept him as your savior or not, there WAS a man named moses, heck, even the jews can agree on that, the way i see it, when i tell people why im a christian, at the VERY least i am living a much better life now than before, free of debauchary and the abuse of drugs, alchohol, things that were leading me nowhere.
Religion is a tool of man. Even if once it was pure, all standing organized religions have been warped to suit people in power over the the years. King James for example, who's edition of the Bible is among the most popular in use today, is known to have had sex with his mother among other things. Even worse, texts like the Quran were written as the "dirrect" word of god. Rewriting, revising, or "editing" texts like those throughout there centuries of existance have warped the original message far beyond it's honest begining. It is my opinion that God is not the property of any one religion, nor is salvation. Those things are gained through your works and are affected by what group you affiliated with.