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but check it out

yeah, im still not sure on what the US is going to be able to try him on. because lets see...
weapons of mass destruction...
links to the Al Queda terrorist network...
hmm i guess they could always get him on crimes against humanity, but if that trial is going to happen id like to see it taken care of by the whole UN, and not just the US as it is pretty obvious that we are biased. Better yet the US should allow iraq to build whatever government they want (theological or whatever they choose, as long as it isnt a government the US installs to sui its own interests) and let them deal with him as they see fit.
:werd: i totally agree. in the meantime, they need to bring the UN forces to iraq and let them takeover security so our troops can come home.
Just torture the fawker........

Make him listen to Céline Dion in surround sound until he dies....
OMMFFAAGGGAGAGHASBHDASASD I dont even know! i just started bawling out loud like a fuckign schhol girl!! AHAHAHAHA Sadaam the Stunt bum!!!!!!

SADDAM THE STUNT BUM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saddam vs. Rufus on Pay per view...
Originally posted by Blanco@Dec 15 2003, 07:29 PM
He should be tried by the Tribunal being formed in Iraq for his crimes against that country over the last 40 years.


they are gunna execute him afterwards anyway.... putting him on trial first and bringing out ALL the dirt will keep him from being a martyr