so James (2000Si) just left for Texas

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whats weird is i did the Q&A testing for that razor....when i use it i wanna buy it, but i just cant justify the extra money.

Glad you got home safely!

Thank ya much. It was a decent trip actually. Got dark by the time I got to Arkansas around 9ish, then it didn't get light until I was halfway through Illinois. lol

Insane route I tell you. The trip to and from was just over 1,070 miles... from start to finish I drove 2,378.9 miles.

Took the same route down as I did up. Next time (if I ever do that shit again), I'm going I70 west straight over to I35 south.

btw... Arkansas = bugs. BUGS. everywhere. I'm serious. Don't believe me?

Here's my car at a reststop on I40.
^ btw I went to do my laundry and there was a kiddy carwash at my old church by my parents. 6 bucks and they got the majority off of there.

I'm gonna have to take out my fog lamp covers & grille to get all the bugs out.

i have plenty... but its nice and trimmed :)
chin strap ftw

I just don't care what I look like for the real FTW. :)
I was asking myself the same thing. Jamie was like holy crap that's disgusting.
alright.... esta aqui...^_^

Reiko... glad that you came by!
Ive got some pics of us not sure that they are any better though. Geeze, you can really see in that pic where that lady tore my face up!
I think that I lost my drink 621654364 times Friday night!
Those chicks that were playing the game drank 352435 cups of panty dropper punch!
Brandan had to of been the most trashed person there.
Brandan + throwing Seth's cousins keys= priceless!
Apparently Brandan and Seth almost got into a fight because someone egged him on to throw the keys he found. Well Brandan did so and when Seth found out he was going to make him go get them.
Brandan+ hopping the fence=FAIL!
So off Twig and Seth went and found this poor kids keys 3 yards over!
As for Drama Queen Gary... he also had way too much to drink, not that everyone else didnt but, it was a wrong place wrong time scenario.
I have quite a few pictures that need to be uploaded if I get a chance to do so. Ive got a few pics from Bennigans, the party,& HIN. I should have taken a few at Japanese Palace.
James-email me the pics that you have por favor! ^_^
i just wish i wasnt sitting in that chair when someone told brandan that hed do him in the ass....its kinda scary having him punch the wall DIRECTLY over my head.
alright.... esta aqui...^_^

Reiko... glad that you came by!
Ive got some pics of us not sure that they are any better though. Geeze, you can really see in that pic where that lady tore my face up!
I think that I lost my drink 621654364 times Friday night!
Those chicks that were playing the game drank 352435 cups of panty dropper punch!
Brandan had to of been the most trashed person there.
Brandan + throwing Seth's cousins keys= priceless!
Apparently Brandan and Seth almost got into a fight because someone egged him on to throw the keys he found. Well Brandan did so and when Seth found out he was going to make him go get them.
Brandan+ hopping the fence=FAIL!
So off Twig and Seth went and found this poor kids keys 3 yards over!
As for Drama Queen Gary... he also had way too much to drink, not that everyone else didnt but, it was a wrong place wrong time scenario.
I have quite a few pictures that need to be uploaded if I get a chance to do so. Ive got a few pics from Bennigans, the party,& HIN. I should have taken a few at Japanese Palace.
James-email me the pics that you have por favor! ^_^

:bo: :bo:

I was also glad you stopped by Reiko. :thumbsup:

I will email you the pics now. :)
i just wish i wasnt sitting in that chair when someone told brandan that hed do him in the ass....its kinda scary having him punch the wall DIRECTLY over my head.

oh shit that's right! You were sitting there. lol
all i can hear coming out of James' room is him laughing like a wacked out sum
lmao... do you have any pics of Brandan, so that they will better understand?! lol Yea I had to scrub Brandans knuckles the next morning with a fingernail brush. I didnt know that was why he punched the wall though. His knuckles were pretty torn up.
everyone was busy calling me a bitch for not saying i wouldnt fight just sayin...i pick intelligent fights where there might be a hope in hell that i dont end up in a coma.
what the heck? I posted a picture of Brandan in here...

now my post is gone?

Dude says he's about 325.
I think that Brandan was just trying to get into a fight..
Didnt know that he tried to fight Reiko though!
Man I really need to get my pics uploaded!
Thanks for sending me the ones that you had though James!
Who the hell was taking your pics cause they were taking pics of like everyone individually? I believe that Ive got quite a few too.