state referee

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had a question on state referee..
i am in california i know a bad state 4 emissions..
alrite so i got pulled over hood popped seen my turbo and quickly write me a state ref ticket.. so i did a lil research and got mixed opinions about it and what i found out was either fix the modification or just pay a fine on the court date they gave me.. so i dont know how 2 go about this.. or is there anyway 2 get around this ticket? any help would be great..
you already answered your own question.. take it off and visit the ref, or pay the fine and wait till the next time it happens so you can pay the fine again..
but do i just go on my court date and ask 4 the fine? or do i have 2 go 2 the ref and fail then ask 4 the ticket?
you dont even need to go to court.. just go to the window to pay the ticket
just try not to get caught again. if the cop checks your violations before giving you another fix it ticket and sees that you were already cited for the modification, they might impound your car.
you dont even need to go to court.. just go to the window to pay the ticket
okay thanx..

just try not to get caught again. if the cop checks your violations before giving you another fix it ticket and sees that you were already cited for the modification, they might impound your car.
i keep a low profile.. what i mean by that is drive regular and dont do anything stupid.. and they can impound my car 4 that? never heard that b4.. that would suck
Before you go to see the ref the car has to be fixed. If you don't fix the problem the ref will take a note of it and will tell you to come back.
Man I hate California emission laws.. Ima juss pay the ticket cause it'll take 2 much time Nd money 2 fix everything.. Thanx 4 all your guys input..
Man I hate California emission laws.. Ima juss pay the ticket cause it'll take 2 much time Nd money 2 fix everything.. Thanx 4 all your guys input..

I'm not sure if thats the way to go. If I was you I'd go to a ref station(its usually at a community college and its free) and ask them what you should do. Your car is not street legal. Even though you pay the fine your car is still illegal to drive. You might just have to get your car fixed back to stock and have the ref sign it off. I'm thinking you might have to give the court papers that states the car is fixed to legal driving.

Here's the bar ref # 1-800-622-7733

Good luck.
one way to find out.. walk up to the window and say i need to pay this ticket...
exactly whatim going 2 do..

I'm not sure if thats the way to go. If I was you I'd go to a ref station(its usually at a community college and its free) and ask them what you should do. Your car is not street legal. Even though you pay the fine your car is still illegal to drive. You might just have to get your car fixed back to stock and have the ref sign it off. I'm thinking you might have to give the court papers that states the car is fixed to legal driving.

Here's the bar ref # 1-800-622-7733

and my wont pass smog.. and i dont want 2 spend the time and money on trying 2.. i'd have 2 do all kinds of s#&t and would be worth it 2 me..

Good luck.[/QUOTE]
if cali was smart, they would offer a modified car registration. id gladly pay up to 200 bucks more a year for registration to not have to deal with this bullshit. then they could make money off of everyone instead of playing this stupid cat and mouse game that targets the cars that barely pollute.
exactly whatim going 2 do..

and my wont pass smog.. and i dont want 2 spend the time and money on trying 2.. i'd have 2 do all kinds of s#&t and would be worth it 2 me..

Good luck.

If your car doesn't pass smog, then how are you able to get by the registration?

If your car doesn't pass smog, then how are you able to get by the registration?[/QUOTE]

I know a guy out here that hooks it up with the smog..
they should be targeting the v8 cars haha how can a 4 cylinder emmit more than a v8? that law is bs and what about cars that come with stock turbo's?