Test your Haxor sl<11/_5

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My friend up here at work got to level 4. He was stuck from then on. He showed me how to do this ha><oring stuff, but he said it probably won't work on paying porn sites, so I won't even bother... :ph34r:

if it says nicely done you did get the right password, but you hit enter instead of clicking the button.
retype the pass in and click the login button and it will load step 2
K, NOw how do you get past Level 3?
Originally posted by kylemarhx@Nov 23 2003, 05:18 AM
lying bastards :P .

lol I didnt say "I" hacked them. I used my resources availabe and found my way that far. But I am still stuck on lvl 9 :P
Originally posted by hcivic.com@Nov 23 2003, 08:40 PM
level 3 you need to lookat source code

Just looking at it won't do you any good, you need to know what you're looking for and at once you find it.

I mean really, this doesn't mean shit to me...

I posted up a link saying how to get the answer to that..

Find it on the second page, Cut and paste that int0o the lil box, and get the answer...
i have a feeling this has a lot to do with lvl4 but i cant figure it out.

Originally posted by lvl 4
var cipher = new String("askjs.dfiuplrfs.3d58jn.sefuhs7dfieru78.sd,s,sdaud9sa.umt");
var send_em_on = cipher.substr(11, 1) + cipher.substr(16,1) + cipher.substr(10, 1) + cipher.substr(0,2) + cipher.substr(39,1) + cipher.substr(52,1) + cipher.substr(27,1) + cipher.substr(55,1) + cipher.substr(54,1) + cipher.substr(11,1)
i think it involves this
var cipher = new String("askjs.dfiuplrfs.3d58jn.sefuhs7dfieru78.sd,s,sdaud9sa.umt");
var send_em_on = cipher.substr(11, 1) + cipher.substr(16,1) + cipher.substr(10, 1) + cipher.substr(0,2) + cipher.substr(39,1) + cipher.substr(52,1) + cipher.substr(27,1) + cipher.substr(55,1) + cipher.substr(54,1) + cipher.substr(11,1);
EDIT:Nevermind, B beat me to it.