The Drama Llama Returns...

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I should clarify, I got tested simply because I never had been. No other reason (itching, etc.). The only test I hope I fail this semester so I can graduate with a "clean slate".
I did actually recently get tested. I get my results Wednesday. BTW, FUCK the Q-tip test.
the first time i got one i was in the air force. i had an ingrown hair that scared the shit out of me. anyways, the male doctor said some guys actually get aroused from the swab.

wtf?!?! it was the worst fucking pain ever. ugh.
the first time i got one i was in the air force. i had an ingrown hair that scared the shit out of me. anyways, the male doctor said some guys actually get aroused from the swab.

wtf?!?! it was the worst fucking pain ever. ugh.

Ick.. I was eating breakfast when I read this and puked in my mouth a bit.
nah.... the piss i HAD to take after was worse than the test itself.... let me tell you, those "handicap" rails in the bathroom were great when my knees gave out and i almost fell to the damn floor
nah.... the piss i HAD to take after was worse than the test itself.... let me tell you, those "handicap" rails in the bathroom were great when my knees gave out and i almost fell to the damn floor

White knuckle that fucker

do all male STD tests involve the Q tip??

if so i would rather not take one.
haha^hasnt had one....:(yet!!!

but slush hows shit goin???
Well I'm staring at empty cases of Modelo and Dos Equis and an empty bottle of 1800. I had help from a few friends but I was hammered. Hung out with a chick I use to hook up with who has now actually become a pretty good friend. She really didn't know my ex but shed some light on the situation and we also just had a fun night. I needed it. I just need to graduate and be back at home.
Depends on the test you pay for. The Qtip thing is for a culture swab. Without it, you're missing a bunch of tests.

Clymadia gets cleaned out that way, with a pipe cleaner inserted into the eurythmics.
Depends on the test you pay for. The Qtip thing is for a culture swab. Without it, you're missing a bunch of tests.

Clymadia gets cleaned out that way, with a pipe cleaner inserted into the eurythmics.
There are other ways to test for it but this was at the free clinic=not top of the line technology.

In trenton I had some big black woman make me drop trough, whack it, and then stuff a q tip in it. I wrote a story about it last year and I have an award hanging on my wall that says "most likely to have q-tips shoved in inappropriate places" since my friends used to get a kick out of the story.

I hear there's other blood tests that can test for chlamydia, but I too went to the free clinic.
I think that you should drop her like a bad habit. No matter how much she's in your mind its obvious that she has caused you more headache than peace of mind. There is plenty of fish out there in the sea so just forget her and live your life. I know it may sound hard and easy coming from me, but I've been there before and you'll be happier in the end if you try and erase her from your memory. She's not worth the lack of sleep.
Wouldn't be great if it was that easy ?

Celerity Sez: All people are worth losing sleep over.