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HS Troll...And Mod
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
Fool me three times, fuck you I'm not buying a fourth PS3.

3 ps3s. One of which doesn't work at all (yellow light), 2 of which don't play blu rays or PS3 games (and both have had the diode replaced).

And before you ask, the power brick next to the wall of shame is for an xbox 360.


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are you buying them new? i've had my ps3 for quite a while now with zero issues whatsoever.
LOL your ps3 problems are just as bad as my xbox problems!

you could probably fix that YLOD issue with all your techiness, or at the least swap the GOOD BRD into the bad ps3s.
wtf do you guys do to your shit? I've had two xboxs. one of them died after 3 years of daily gaming... video card went bad. I've never had any other problems.
I don't get it either. between my brother and myself, since release, we've had 1 xbox die. It was bought 2 months after the system release and just died about 6 months ago.
are you buying them new? i've had my ps3 for quite a while now with zero issues whatsoever.


Mine's been going strong for two years now, no complaints. It is the slim version though. I don't know if the fat ones are less reliable...
The YLOD box was a release system as was one of the ones on the far right (got it from a good friend who I know takes care of his shit). The one in the middle I got from another friend who's a media geek, went all sony rage quit and started giving away shit that had their badge on it.

Ultimately I've only spent the cash equivalent of 2 PS3s on 3, but it's still ridiculous to have that kind of luck with a system.
i have a slim as well. i just think you got shitty boxes.
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
Foom me three times, fuck you I'm not buying a fourth PS3.

That's how I used to feel about my 360, which is what prompted me to buy a PS3 in the first place. I had 4 RRODs. It actually seems to work alright now, the few times that I've used it this past year. Still sounds louder than a jet engine though and still has the occasional "please insert this disc into an Xbox 360 console" issue, lol.

I think sometimes it's just bad luck. I always take care of my shit, the 360 was given plenty of space and I dusted it regularly, but still, died 4 times. The PS3 had been great up until the whole PSN debacle...
Bad luck i'd say. I have a release machine and a slim, both work beautifully and they get a lot of play time.
After my sony DV camcorder died after about 5 hours of filming and my sony dvd player blew up my tv's hdmi input back in 2006 ish, i banned sony from my list permanently. Haven't bought one thing sony since, and likely will never again.

overpriced garbage.
Did you try to repair the systems your self? My brother got a non-working ps3 from a friend, and sent it in to sony to be repaired, and it's worked fine for 2 or 3 years now.
i got one of the 250 gig retros. and its getting slow on loading and reezes on GT5. my 360 has been going strong for over.....3 years now. the PS3 is about a year and a half.

what i hate the most is with GT5 i get booted from the rooms because it loses signal....i understand im in okinawa and all but damn my 360 never had that problem.
once again.. 360>ps3 .. Microsoft took care of their customers who had problems w/ known errors.. Sony could care less, like Apple
I still have my original Xbox 360 that is 5 years old now. It had the E74 error last year, but Microsoft fixed it and I had it back in 4 days. Other than that I have never had a problem with my xbox's.
I had a release date 360 that finally died around a year ago. Sent it in and its worked fine since. Gave it to my brother when the kinnect 360 came out. No problems with either since.
I took a heat gun to the motherboard of my PS3 after it got a YLOD, and it has worked fine for a few months since then.
Well I spoke to soon. I've been playing Forza a lot today, and its hot ass balls in the house so the system just froze probably to protect itself from overheating. The case was pretty damn warm. So Im gonna give it a rest tonight.