This is it. The REAL robot takeover.

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EATR, Robotic Technology Inc., robots, unmanned vehicles, artificial intelligence and more.
Upcoming Military Robot Could Feed on Dead Bodies - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News -

Fricking military-funded project... a robot that eats biomass to fuel itself. Regular stuff like old furniture, grass, garbage, and dead bodies.

Here's the project page:
EATR, Robotic Technology Inc., robots, unmanned vehicles, artificial intelligence and more.

It runs on the MULE platform, that awesome (until now) self-walking robot that can navigate terrain on its own, you can kick it over and it balances and stays standing. It walks on ice and keeps from slipping, etc. Here's a video of that.

Combine that with a god damn assault rifle and the ability to EAT PEOPLE, and we're all doomed. DOOMED.
it sucks uphill lol

it still wals like its drunk though.
a good start, but needs refinement before it takes over the world and initiates judgement day
LMAO! Oh shit! someones never seen I robot. I didn't either, but I know not to do this!
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You guys should check out some of the exoskeletons that they are workin on. Bigdog is pretty solid and they have made some huge advancements in the last few years. The treadmill video with it jumping is pretty cool.
they funny thing is they still claim they can't make a biofuel car. Yet they can make a bio fule robat that eats fucking people...
I have been researching EMP grenades and mines for just this reason.

And we won't have viable alternative energy till it's profitable for Big Oil to have it.
very impressive!

i want to see what happens when it gets knocked over though.
does anyone else think that a corpse eating robot might not completely comply with the Geneva Conventions??
wait 'til that thing happens to eat ONE "not quite dead yet" shit bag... can you even imagine the public outcry?!?!

or if that thing happens to eat one of OUR dead???
What if we just stockpile dead crackheads and other undesirables. I hear the science czar is down for ugenics so he can probably round up some food.