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Drink it straight so you don't add any not needed calories. Over ice with a squeeze of lime FTW.

Sadly my weight keeps falling. I just don't have the time to eat correctly *enough*. Between lifting, running and biking I need some legit calorie intake. Thankfully despite dropping weight my lifting weights hasn't dropped at all although I'm not going up in lifts as fast as I was before. Hopefully over the winter I can get back into a solid daily meal plan with some solid calories.
So How's everyone doing?

I've stalled out pretty much on losing and gaining. I'm feeling fat but the scale has stayed the same right around 187-189 depending on the time of day. I haven't had much time to lift for last 4 weeks and a couple vacations have really hurt. Lots of beer all day and bar food. Once bakc to work I eat OK during the day, but my evening meals have been lacking in substance. Work sucks and the stress is at an all time high right now. It's a great opportunity for me though, so I'm trying my best to be successful.

Hoping to start carving out 1.5 additional hours every day now that I'm starting to get it under control with meal plans like I was doing, and lightening the drinking. . This week with long days, I've been in every day to the gym. Went last weekend, and getting back on track. My bench seems to have fallen to now where I'm repping sub 200. But I haven't concentrated on it since May so not really concerned. It feels good though to wear something and not have man tits.
I'm stuck at 203 lbs. Been here for like 3 weeks. I'm down another belt notch though, and my 16.5" slim fit shirts are starting to feel baggy so i'm swapping fat out for muscle at least.

I'm eating about ~1200 calories a day which is wicked low. But i'm FULL. it's hard to eat 2000 calories when you eat clean.
lately, it's been a banana and coffee black 1 sugar for breakfast (~100 cals) I want to give up the coffee but i suck at sleeping and if i skip it, i end up playing the don't doze off at my desk game all day.
for lunch, its my usual salad with mixed greens, spinach, greenbean/chickpea/kidney bean/onion salad mix (in a little light syrup), a couple large green olives stuffed with garlic and jalapeno , red/green peppers, mushrooms, a tablespoon of hummus, and i rotate a protein... sometimes hard boiled eggs, sometimes some leftover chicken. i tried tofu for a bit, but i really don't want the soy intake. I'm trying to avoid eating cow and soy. and A little bit of a light organic italian or ginger dressing. 300-400 cals maybe?
3pm snack is either an apple or a protein bar (20-200 cals)
dinner is veggies from the garden a lot of the time with chicken or fish, sometimes some brown rice or quinoa. probably 500 cals tops.
at night 10-11 ish i sometimes have a glass of coconut milk, or a small snack if i'm hungry, which isn't often. <100 calls
I ordered some pea protein shake stuff, which sounds gross. lol but it's like the only thing on the market that isn't full of chemical cancer sugars, 'natural flavors', soy lecitin, etc etc...

24 g of protein, almost no carbs or fat. good amino acid structure. it will go with my coconut milk at night instead of the snack.

I drink about 6 bottles of water throughout the day, so thats like 10 'glasses'.

I did a lot of upper back/shoulder stuff yesterday and worked the roman chair with air bicycles and oblique motions. abs are sore as fk today.

today i ran my 1.5 mile loop around the block with over 300' of elevation change within 30 seconds of my best time, and it was MUCH cooler that day. I thought i was slow today too. I was surprised when it was my 2nd best lap yet. I really can't run any more than that... my knees can't take it. It's 15 min of high cardio for me though.

I still want to hit 199 before i go back to my November physical. And that's on the doctor's scale. So, that's like 192 on my floor unit probably. (they weigh us fully clothed/shoes as we walk in... stupid, but easier for them, plus the balances are always a few ticks up over the digital cheapo things )
Ugh. You guys are going to make me cry by perpetuating some awful habbits and myths.

Why in the hell do we care about scale weight and not body composition. Based on BMI, I'm classified as overweight - and that's essentially the antiquated science derived from statistics of sample grouls from the 1950s.

Why would you intentionally stop drinking coffee? Its one of the most well researched and studied supplements that has tons of proven benefits. Ever hear of Bulletproof Coffee? Its the newest craze for a reason. It actually works.

Pea protein? NOW Brand?? Not chemically enhanced? Plant proteins don't have great bioavailability. If you want a plant protein then buy SAN Nutrition Raw Fusion. At least its not garbage. The smarter option is to buy SFH. Stronger Faster Healthier which is located up near you and where you can get a high quality grass fed whey without artificial sweeteners, from a well known and family run company. You can get high quality fish oil there, too.
And @Briansol , eat more before you destroy your metabolism and endocrine system in general. 1200 calories for an extended period of Tis not adequate for a 120lb woman that is even moderately active.

General rule of thumb for calories is to eat 12-18 calories per pound of body weight. (12 being a super slow metabolism or completely sedatary. 18 being a high intensity athlete or extremely fast metabolism). 2000 calories is nothing to eat when you're not afraid of fat. A bulletproof coffee can be 400-500 calories by itself.

Losing weight may be great but you're going to pay for it long term I'd you make this a lifestyle rather than a diet. That's way too low of calorie count.
1200 calories dude, Jesus,that's crazy.. How do you have any energy to work out? I've slacked some in the last two weeks but I'm back on track. Hovering around 198/199.
ive lost 13lbs on weightwatchers just by not eating like a fucktard.

used to be a 36 now i'm between 32-34 . wish i kept my nice clothes from 2-3 years ago :/

still on weight watchers, as of yesterday total weight loss was 23.6 lbs :)

almost comfortable in 32s. need belts for 34 and given away all my 36s. fitting into medium tees again, so all those amazing graphics tees i have from many years ago are BACK IN STYLE!

25 weeks on the program. i haven't altered my exercise (although i am on the move most of the day) i've just made better food choices. i've already beat 10% and im going for another 10% which sadly, the BMI chart would be bordering on obese.
Ugh. You guys are going to make me cry by perpetuating some awful habbits and myths.

Why in the hell do we care about scale weight and not body composition.
I'm no expert, never claimed to be.

The weight is merely a goal based on what i used to be like. I was 185 back in '99/00 time period and liked my shape. Giving myself 15 lbs over that as a grace period is how i came to that goal.
I was also a smoker back then and completely unhealthy, but i was working at the country club walking like 10 miles a day moving tables/chairs/heavy trays/etc all day long.
Based on BMI, I'm classified as overweight - and that's essentially the antiquated science derived from statistics of sample grouls from the 1950s.
as am i. I'm about 27 right now. 25 is about where i want to be.

Why would you intentionally stop drinking coffee? Its one of the most well researched and studied supplements that has tons of proven benefits. Ever hear of Bulletproof Coffee? Its the newest craze for a reason. It actually works.
It dehydrates me (even though i know there have been studies that debunk this). Mainly, it makes my throat dry, and I already have nose/sinus issues as it is (it's always clogged or running). Days i don't have it (weekends mostly) i feel better in the breathing department too. Compare it to a cold morning run with that crisp air kinda irritating your throat...

Pea protein? NOW Brand?? Not chemically enhanced?
According to the label, it's clean. reviews were pretty good too, other than taste.
Short of sending it to a lab, what do you do?
Plant proteins don't have great bioavailability.
"Peas are well known for being a highly bioavailable protein."
so, it seems to have a pretty good L_ tree break out and everything says it's <good>. it was cheap enough. I'll give it a try. If it sucks, i'l try something else.

If you want a plant protein then buy SAN Nutrition Raw Fusion. At least its not garbage.
I looked at this too actually.
And it's full of shit, specifically
Natural Flavors, Stevia, Glycine
No thanks.

The smarter option is to buy SFH. Stronger Faster Healthier which is located up near you and where you can get a high quality grass fed whey without artificial sweeteners, from a well known and family run company. You can get high quality fish oil there, too.
I don't want Whey/casein/dairy, so this is out.
I eat enough real fish that i don't need/want to supplement it. I can't swallow those ginormous pills anyway.

And @Briansol , eat more before you destroy your metabolism and endocrine system in general. 1200 calories for an extended period of T is not adequate for a 120lb woman that is even moderately active.

General rule of thumb for calories is to eat 12-18 calories per pound of body weight. (12 being a super slow metabolism or completely sedatary. 18 being a high intensity athlete or extremely fast metabolism). 2000 calories is nothing to eat when you're not afraid of fat. A bulletproof coffee can be 400-500 calories by itself.
I'm not afraid of fat. I have bacon sometimes on the weekend with some eggs for breakfast. I have some coconut ice cream from time to time. I cheat.
200 x15 = 3000 calories you recommend.
Losing weight may be great but you're going to pay for it long term I'd you make this a lifestyle rather than a diet. That's way too low of calorie count.
Once i reach my target area, I'll up my cals a bit more to maintain. I certainly don't want to cut forever. But i still have a lot of belly fat and manboobs and they continue to shrink as i continue to gain muscle and tone

1200 calories dude, Jesus,that's crazy.. How do you have any energy to work out?
I honestly thought i was eating more until I listed it all out. Maybe my estimates are low. I've never really felt a lack of energy. Sometimes i certainly do splurge and over-eat, etc too.
I hope i ate enough tonight to make people happy.

I had about 3/4 cup (cooked) brown rice,
a half of a yellow squash, a whole hot chilli pepper, 3 mushrooms sauteed in avacado oil
a whole avacado
a 1/2 lb wild sockeye salmon and 6 jumbo shrimp sauteed in lemon butter
and a hopia cake for desert.

happy now? :D
that must be 800+ tonight
Responses are too lengthy to list out but take it as this - if we were talking about cars or computer programming, you would be a ricer or a noob right now.

Pea protein being highly bioavailable? Perhaps compared to other plants not compared to animal proteins.

No whey/casein/dairy? Why? Whey is the best protein available and really one of only a handful of proteins that are worth supplementing with. Eat real food, in general, but especially if you're going to eat a diet like some hippie chick.

Try a high quality organic coffee or tea. There's about six zillion studies of why its healthy to have.

Stop worrying about what a scale says. Take measurements like your legs, waist, arms, chest. Use skin fold calipers, pay for a bodpod, or use a quality handheld body fat reader. Use blood work to determine if what you are doing is healthy. Right now you're using weight loss as your metric for health. Your hormones could be completely out of balance. And they WILL BE. You're going to have severe adrenal fatigue if you are truly eating 1200 calories.

Also, lift heavy weights if your concern is dropping bodyfat. Muscle burns more calories than any other tissue, while active and at rest. It physically makes you appear better. It makes you physically stronger. Lifting has been proven to burn more calories than cardio.

Look up Abel James podcast on Supplement Shams and NOW Brand, then let me know if you're getting a quality protein. I recommend some of their stuff based on cost but not if high quality is your concern.

As for Raw Fusion, yes its flavored so it doesn't taste like the shit that it is. Stop listening to hippies and fruits that are going to obsess and geek out over that. If you are, well then you better home grow ALL of your food and never buy from a store.

Remember, I try to eat as much natural, local and non processed food as possible, too. I just don't get up in the minutia that some internet troll has a hard on that says that "natural flavoring" products will kill you. Eating 1200 calories per day, becoming weak and compromising your immune system is far more likely to kill you or degrade your quality of life than natural flavoring.

That's what we call majoring in the minors. Its an obscure detail that makes almost no difference in the end. Its like you getting hooty tooty about how a BMW seat is stitched versus a Hyundai and then concluding that if you use a Hyundai seat something awful is going to happen to you.

Health isnt about making right or wrong decisions. Its a broad spectrum of decisions and trying to make the best decisions in any given situation. We don't even know what is the right or wrong decision in many cases. For decades, doctors said don't eat butter or don't have animal products because of their cholesterol - and now based on what we know, that was all wrong or misguided.
Maybe a better analogy would be saying you won't buy a protein supplement because its not natural is like saying you won't take a shower because its wet.

Of course its not natural. Its a processed supplement rather than a natural, whole food.

So choose the one that actually works and not the one that some keyboard jockey who has unknown credentials about training and nutrition. Its like getting your performance car info out of Super Tuner or relationship advice out of Cosmo.
I'm hovering around 185lbs, not sure about BF but if I had to guess I'd say somewhere around 12-15%. I've kinda stalled on progress lately - lack of a steady gym partner has my workouts lacking in intensity and I'm also trying to be careful not to injure myself. Current macros are as follows: 261g protein, 72g fat, 202g carbs - about 2530 calories per day, and I think that's basically maintenance for me when I am training almost every day. I'll likely up carbs and protein and see how I respond to that over the semester.

B, I have no idea how you function on only 1200 calories. I'd be a zombie.
Maybe a better analogy would be saying you won't buy a protein supplement because its not natural is like saying you won't take a shower because its wet.

Of course its not natural. Its a processed supplement rather than a natural, whole food.

So choose the one that actually works and not the one that some keyboard jockey who has unknown credentials about training and nutrition. Its like getting your performance car info out of Super Tuner or relationship advice out of Cosmo.
I realize that it's processed, but what is it made from? real food that grew or in a lab as a science project with limited research on side effects? That's where i draw the line. lab-made sugars are not for me.
As a health coach and trainer, I can't believe you don't agree with that.
I realize that it's processed, but what is it made from? real food that grew or in a lab as a science project with limited research on side effects? That's where i draw the line. lab-made sugars are not for me.
As a health coach and trainer, I can't believe you don't agree with that.
If you understood how all of your food was processed, what is GMO and non GMO, and knew more about the supplement industry you would understand that you're drawing a silly line. You've been ingesting these things are your life.

That pea protein is made in the same lab. That's my point. You aren't getting some certified organic product versus some fake, GMO food. They're both the same.

Plus my guess is you ingest cheap, shitty coffee, that is non organic and has fungus and mycotoxins on it that are more detrimental than a minimal amount of artificial flavoring.

What are you drinking currently? If its not coffee, tea, or water than the chances are very high that it has some sort of artificial flavor.

Again, focus on getting the basics right instead of minoring in the majors. 1200 calories and you're concerned about other stuff? Its like thinking that painting your calipers red on your 1990 civic makes its a race car. What you're doing isn't healthy yet you're trying to convince me that some meaningless stuff that is ingested every day, is going to somehow dramatically effect you? Really? You were a smoker for how long?
I've avoided supplements for the most part because they are lab food. I'm well aware of what GMO and organic is and that there's actually 3 organic labels, 2 of which are not fully organic. I don't think at all that it is meaningless. I can TELL when i have saccarin and aspartame. because I get a headache and feel like shit immediately after.
xitoyl kills dogs
and causes tumors in high doses
but its ok?

no thanks!

I had some of the pea stuff tonight. I think it's a moot point because holy fuck is it awful. It's like cold pea soup. :shiver: I don't think i'll be having much more of it. lol

I get coffee at various places. sometimes it's organic, sometimes it's not. Other than that, water and cocunut milk unsweetened are the only things i really drink, other than the occasional adult beverage that breaks the rules and gets the shitty sugars going.

I'm well aware that I didn't always lead a healthy lifestyle, and it caught up to me. I'm in just about the best shape of my life right now. I can run a mile faster than I could in highschool (before i ever started smoking), I have less fat, more muscle, and I feel good. I get a physical and blood work twice a year with full lipid panels. My only numbers that are out of normal range are HDL cholesterol is too low, and my triglycerides are a bit high. But each time I go, they get more and more in spec. I was about 5 points too low in the HDL and about 20 over range in the TriG's. Nothing too crazy.

That was also 20 lbs ago now.

I go again in november, getting my blood pulled in early october and i'm hoping that i'm in full spec.
I'm not saying that you're not making positive changes or seeing results, I'm saying that youre geeking out and worrying about what shiff knob in your Lamborghini that you don't have yet. Buy the car first (as in, cover and do the basics like eating ample calories with a well rounded macro nutrient breakdown, and weight and interval train BEFORE you go spouting off about how the organic marketplace can actually still be tainted.)

You would be healthier eating process foods if it meant at least hitting your basic caloric and macro needs. Of course that method isn't optimal and not what I recommend BUT it is what I recommend for people like yourself that have been caught up in the minutia of crap.

You bought a pea protein under the guise of it being more natural... You'll look back in a few years and laugh how silly that sounds.
I ran my best mile ever today. this is outside with about 150' of elevation change. mile2 includes my walking/cool down of about 100 yards or so at the end.
I beat my previous best time by 1:10 on this 1.5 mile loop.


in highschool, on the flat track, my best mile run was 8:40. I'm the oldest i've ever been (lol) and i'm in the best shape of my life.
you know brian they make alcohol with much less sugar in it. i've been drinking this donQ rum with infused flavors. it has much much less sugars in it than the malibu stuff we've been loving (because it tastes delicious) and is a few bucks cheaper too.

500mL of the 35% malibu red (rum-tequila) means a wicked shitty morning
500mL of the 30% donQ pasion still wake up fresh as a daisy

i don't think the 5 percent makes much of a difference. i've had a shitty morning on 2 strong glasses of the red. but i've had a whole bottle of the donQ with no ill effects in the morning.