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Tried out the interval training type thing this morning... almost feels like cheating compared to regular running
but i'll give it a shot and see how it works out

walked for 10 minutes up to 4mph to get lose
then i did 1 min @ 7mph
50 seconds walk at 3mph, hit 7mph at 50 second mark to get treadmill back up to 7mph by the time the next minute started
1 minute on, 1 minute off for 30 minutes, then walked for a couple minutes after to cool down
felt pretty good, might try and do 8/3 next time to see if i can manage that
Go longer intervals, with less rest, based on your heart rate.

you probably want to be around 150-ish bpm on the high intensity, and then keep it there for at 3 min, then back it down to 140 ish for 1 min. adjust speed and incline to get that target bpm
Eh, screw BPM. Your work interval is actually too long given my presumed level of your fitness.

More ideal is running 10mph for 30 seconds and resting 10-30 seconds. Repeat 10-20. It's essentially running 90% effort sprints. You should feel like your lungs are falling out and you are going to throw up. Not like you are cheating.

The effort should be greater than your regular workout but the work time should be less. The workload - in this case the distance you run - will not be as large as LISS (low intensity steady state cardio).

If you are an elite athlete and I am fine tuning things, you are wearing a heart rate monitor. Other than that, forget it. And the treadmills monitor isn't accurate.
I've been doing HIIT on the treadmill lately going on two weeks tomorrow...I was bad and got back up t0 i found a program to try.....i jog at 5-6MPH to warm up for about 5-6 minutes then boost it up to 10 or 11 for 35-40 seconds and rest for 45 seconds and i do this 8-10 times then finish off by jogging at 5-6MPH for anther few minutes.

I'll change it up after tomorrow and try to sprint for longer periods of time..

I'm back down to 198ish

Also makes the workout go by so much faster...
I'll change it up after tomorrow and try to sprint for longer periods of time..

Most people won't be able to sprint for longer than 30-45 seconds. If your fitness level is there then go for it. I can hold about a 85-90% pace for a 800m, which will take me about 2min 30sec to complete. 400m is a 90% pace and its 50-75 seconds. 200m is a 95-100% pace and is 20-25 seconds. 100m is a 100% pace and is 12-16 seconds.

What I am getting at is, if you can hold that pace for more than 45 seconds, you are either in really good shape or your effort is too submaximal. The idea isn't the slow burn, its the fast explosion. Adding more intervals at a shorter rest period is the way to go, especially in the beginning. Work yourself to a 30 second active interval and a 10 second rest interval. Then work to increase the speed you run at or the distance that you cover (increasing intensity)..

Why does everyone always want the biggest most bad ass, all the time? Of course anyone can run for a longer interval - we can run marathons, we already know that. That just does very little for our health and body composition. You should not feel like these workouts are a walk in the park. HIIT workouts are by definition, intended to be far more intense than the "cardio"/LISS workouts. If you feel like you did not exert enough effort - you didn't. The only thing easy here is that the workouts are completed in a much shorter time.

My workout last night...
Strength Training
Deadlift: Warm up sets. 225x5x3, 225x5, 235x5, 275x5, 305x10

1000m row (was slow with my hip, took about 3:40 - should have been 3:20)
40 double unders
20 medicine ball cleans
20 double unders
20 front squats @ 95lbs
10 double unders
400m row
Total time - 12mins 25 seconds. That is not quite eight weeks post surgery. Ideally I would have wanted sub 10 minute time. My rest? Taking about 3-5 seconds to catch my breath before moving from one movement to the next. I could not complete all the work together, so it forced me into those little 1-10 second rests.

That was enough to give me 'crazy eyes'. I.e., I was sucking wind so hard, that I almost took a dirt nap. Had to pour a bottle of cold water on my head to cool my body down because I was overheating.

That is the sort of effort you guys should be looking for - not for how much distance you ran or what weight you lifted. None of that stuff matters when you are talking about conditioning. If you are talking about a strength program - which SHOULD BE DONE but it should be completed PRIOR to conditioning - then the weight you move absolutely matters and you should adhere to principles of progressive overload. I.e., gradually putting more weight on the bar at a time, to give your body new and additional stimulus.
Tried the intervals again sunday with better results.
walk 10 minutes getting up to 4mph to loosen up
then i did 10mph sprints, 3mph walk 1 minute on/off, 20 minutes total, and a couple minutes walking to cool down
i hit 10mph at the :00 mark and it took about 15 seconds to be going full speed, then i hit 3mph at the :00 mark and it was back down within 5-6 seconds
i would say it was about 45 second sprints at 10mph
heart rate was going, lungs were feeling it
knees felt a little spent afterwards, will try it again tues or wed, see how knees feel.
Welp, just to let you know the treadmill and bench have not turned into clothe racks as predicted lol...i had a rough April 28- May20thish when i got the flu and found it hard to return afterwards..... but I've been back on it..

312lb bench(45lbs plates(4) 35 plates(2) 10lb plates(4) 2.5lbs plates(2) bar is 17lbs--put it up only 3 times after 8 sets of 8 reps of 190....not really sure what that equates too for a regular bench i can't seem to find any agreed upon sure i could do more started fresh...

Me 5/2013


Me today at 196lbs...i still need to get down to 180ish...trying...will get there eventually but i see a big difference so im pretty happy about it...i forgot how much hard work and not eating like a fucktard it takes to even slightly begin to see changes

Right on. Results are addicting.

My own update because well I like talking about myself.

I've been steady lifting seeing decent change for a solid time now. Lost 15 lbs from March through May. Basically went form 215 to 200, eating cleaner, exercising steadily and not drinking often.

I recently started a pseudo 24 day challenge on June 9th. No extra crap like advocare but a pretty strict diet. I had back surgery last friday so I had 7 days off lifting, but walked a few miles each day.

Basically the diet is like 3 square meals a day of 1 serving of fruit, vegetable and lean protein. Servings are strict. 1/2 chicken breast is a serving. 1 cup of blue berries, etc. I've been pretty disciplined and have only cheated 2x with a couple beers. Hoping to lose a total of 10 lbs in the 3 week period. It's not a good long term fix but a great jump start to the summer.
ive lost 13lbs on weightwatchers just by not eating like a fucktard.

used to be a 36 now i'm between 32-34 . wish i kept my nice clothes from 2-3 years ago :/
nice @corvetteguy78 ,
def can see a difference in your face/neck.

good job @TurboMirage . did you give up the cloves yet?

@BigJ , anyone can crash diet. focus on longer term goals or you'll just gain it all back. If what you are doing is not sustainable, don't do it at all.

As for me, since i last posted at 219, i've lost a few more lbs too.

came back from vacation after eating my face off for 3 days straight at 211.

not sure how that happened. lol

People who haven't seen me in a while almost always say something... @awptickes said he doesn't even recognize me in my latest fb pics form the trip.

I was wearing 42's at one point a few years back... 18 1/2 shirts/ xxl
i'm in 36's now mostly. 38 skinny/fitted cuts but the waist is too big, but regular cuts are too tight on my legs.
large undershirts are baggy on me.. might buy some mediums to try. wearing mostly large t-shirts these days. necks are tight though... some brands aren't long enough either. . need extra medium kinda tall :/ lol generic sizing sucks when you're in between. i either get southpole baggy or yogapants tight. lol
down to 17 slim/modern fitted shirts. can't button the neck... never could on the 18 1/2 either. could probably wear a 16 1/2 body-wise, but the neck is just way too small. If i wore a tie, i'd probably still need the 18" shirt... with a 16 body. No one makes clothes for top-heavy people like me. :/

If you didn't see the fb pics, here's me this sunday, guarding the beach
@BigJ , anyone can crash diet. focus on longer term goals or you'll just gain it all back. If what you are doing is not sustainable, don't do it at all.
Looking good B. Still got those big forearms.

Yeah definitely not crash dieting. More like jump starting a change. Previously I had terrible portion control and didn't eat enough fruits and veggies. I truly have realized how much I was over eating and unbalanced. But I miss my beer and it'll be back in the mix shortly. I've never been a starch eater though, so there is that.

Basically I'm "cutting" for the summer, and I'll do a good ole fashioned bulk in the fall/winter. I've never been in BAD shape, just a bit rounder than I like. At my worst I was 215ish with a double chin and 34" jeans. I was on a "diet" of no casual beers, and leaner eating for the last 3 months and lost 15 lbs with substantial exercise. Now I'm down to 192 with 2 weeks of this challenge and 10 days to go. I know I'll gain a few lbs back when I'm off it, but I'll probably keep clipping at 1lb a week after like I was before.

Edit: Also this was my gf's idea and she's the main culprit to my bad diet, so its a team effort.
@B - refeeds work. Bodybuilders use them for a reason. I carb back load and use refeed days, weekends, or weeks, if I need them.

Most people can't lose weight because they reduce calories to the point that their body believes it is going into a nuclear winter and holds on to everything its fed. Upping the calories or refeeding signals to your body that nutrients are available and that you can shed excess body fat.

Its a concept that blows people away but it shouldn't. Generally people are unsuccessful in their weight loss efforts or go about the process in an extremely unhealthy manner - I am not sure why they would think their way (the traditional cut calories method) would be the best when Americans all use that method and very few are successful or healthy.
Here are some progress pics I took in the basement.... This am I was 191 and have 6 more days left on the strict challenge. My goal after that is another 15 by end of August. Headed to the gym now.
Before in March.

After recently.


hard to tell before pics when you have a hoodie on.. lol

me, i'm officially in the 200's :)
209.9 this morning.

yeah, I couldn't find any shirtless or from the timeline of when I started dieting initially. I'll look for a fatter pic.

Congrats on the 209.9. Those milestones are awesome. I'm right at the 190 and hoping dropping a deuce will put me under tomorrow AM. Haha.