Waited Forever No I Am Doubting It.

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I have a girlfriend whom I waited along time for, but now I've noticed someone else who has caught my eye, I like this other girl but I love my current girlfriend what to do? please help me.
just curious how old are ya.
I say if your still in high school play the field a lot.
if your aproaching your late 20's I'd really sit down and think about it

I mean I had a girl in high school I dated and we thought oh this will last for ever, well 4 yrs later an college starts and all I wanted was my last 4 years back.
I the love of my life a few months later and have been together ever since about 8yrs now, and married for 8mos now.

You've got to think about the long term.
If I were you, I would stay with the girl you were trying to get to go out with you for a while. If she was that important to you to go out with, you should see if there is anything there.
I am with Dennis, if you are in HS don't commit yourself to this girl. Lots of things change when you go to college, especially if you go to different schools.
Very true, but I have just finished my 2nd year at college and I'm still with the girl I met in my Sophomore year (we started dating my Senior year). It's not a bullshit relationship, either, it's the real deal.

To me it sounds like you're not ready to settle down with one girl just yet. If you're having these attractions to other girls, don't have a serious girlfriend. Play the field and have fun until you are ready to commit yourself to someone.
I'm not going to college, I am going to the Marines first of the year (04'). But yea I am still in HS... however I feel as though I love this girl, her name is Melissa, but the other girl's name is Lesley. Lesley has every physical amenity I want, Brown Hair, Blue eyes she's 18 slim figure and she's very understanding... Melissa on the other hand is only 16 (jail bate I know), has brown eyes I love blue eyes, but awesome brown natural curly hair. Melissa is easy to get along with Lesley alike. I waited a year and a half for Melissa, now I have her adn she isnt has fun as I thought, the last couple of weeks have been hell, we fought consitantly, Two monday's ago we broke up and got back together... however I think I rushed it... as with all girls I dont think she knows what she wants. I do however, I want someoen to help me out, and take pride in my work on my cars or whatever... Melissa is just into the looks of the car, she doesnt care about the work that goes with it. I took the AC off the Teg' she complained about sitting in traffic w/o it... I'm taking the PS off as well, she's complaining about how hard it will be for her to steer, She wont be driving the car... I told her she can drive r seperately if she likes... she got mad... What do I do? I really feel as if I love her to death but the only time we have a good time is whne I'm spending money... ON HER... I dont know what I am doing wrong why can't I find a girl who loves me, my car nd my hobbies and doesnt care about the amount of money I have...?
Originally posted by lsvtec@May 6 2003, 10:42 AM
I am with Dennis, if you are in HS don't commit yourself to this girl. Lots of things change when you go to college, especially if you go to different schools.

:werd: :withstupid:
If she is only into having your money, dump her.
Also, if you are going into the Marines and she is only 16, which is probably a sophmore, you should call it quits. If you were both in college, it would be a different story.
But I really like her... This is crazy shit... I thik I'll go into hibernation... pla with my car and dump her... you think I should? It's easy for some to say move on, dump her, but you are not me, you may not have the same emotions I have... no what do I do.. and she is a Sophomore.
Lesley has every physical amenity I want, Brown Hair, Blue eyes she's 18 slim figure .... Melissa on the other hand is only 16 (jail bate I know), has brown eyes I love blue eyes, but awesome brown natural curly hair

Well that's fine and dandy, but the only way to actually know what your in for in the long run is to meet there mother. If their mom is bangin then most likley she'll be bangin when she gets older etc...

But you've got to look beyond the looks , looks are not everything.
ahhhhhhhh the high school days.

you'll learn, you'll learn :)

do what is in your heart dood.
Originally posted by dohcvtec_accord+May 6 2003, 12:07 PM-->
@May 6 2003, 12:59 PM
bang them all. Thats my best advice for someone your age.

:lol: :D :lol:

Preferably at the same time.

:werd: :withstupid:
but seriously, if you're going to the marines, i'll tell you right now that is going to kill it. i know many lonely women who have husbands or boyfriends in the military and those girls play the feild as if they're single. same goes for the guys who are away. you're young, you dont need to worry about this shit yet, have fun.
I kinda know what ur goin through, I liked this girl for about 3 years, finally we started goin out, you know perfect relationship la dee fuckin da. as our relationship keeps getting stronger, we start to fight more, then finally she dumped me cause she wasnt happy. I realized i wasnt happy too, cause the whole time i was with her, this "love" of my life, i was checkin every other girl out, when she is so damn hot. If you notice other girls, maybe it isnt serious enough to worry about. but if all you can think about is her and how much you wanna be together, then id say stay with her.

Thats my .02 cents.
i'm with the hot mom thing... maybe it's because my girl's mom weighs like 105lbs and looks like she's 17? who knows :lol:

anyhow about the thing about checkin out other chicks... come on now, we are guys. no matter what you have sitting at home you're going to check out hot chicks, if you dont, you spend too much time at the circle jerk cinema. i would call it quits, it's only going to get worse. she's 16, she has way too much stuff ahead of her and things will change drastically, trust me, i know. i would let her go, go have fun, do your thing! dude, you're going into the marines, have some fukcing fun before you leave! don't make yourself miserable and BROKE by staying with a chick that is most likely just going to cheat on you while you're away! not to mention she doesnt support your hobbies, your one and only true love.

Girls check out guys as much as guys check out girls (read: all the time), but they're just better at not being noticed. The day people stop looking is the day they die.