watercooled? overclocked? linux? server? folder? what?!

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so i took my rig one step farther.

my first water loop turned out quite well. loop is for the CPU alone

parts list:
Swiftech MCR320 with 3x Scithe SFF12E 1200 rpm fans
Corsair DDC-11P (MCP 350) with PT top
D-TEK fusion CPU block with quad nozzle
Swiftech Microres





keeps my q6600 nice and cool. 60c loaded at 3.6GHz/1.33v, 70c 3.8GHz/1.44v

scroll down for updated pics.
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Very nice sir. Watercooling FTW. You might want to consider some of Cooler Master's or comparable water solution. It's a lubricated/non-conductive liquid, just in case some leaks or spills. And the lube will increase pump life. And it's also a cool blue color :)
awesome. i was wondering when you'd get rid of that crap of a cooler (Zalman) :p. next is the cooler master power supply :ph34r:

anyway, id say stick to good old DI water. Better performance and does't gunk up your hardware.

bit-tech.net | Watercooling Fluid Shootout

good read and if you really want to use premix, it seems Feser one is the way to go.
im sticking with Distilled water + 2-3 drops of PT Nuke. i dont need anything crazy.

and the CM PSU... i got it for 10 bucks and it hasnt failed me yet, so no reason to quit it yet :)
awesome. i was wondering when you'd get rid of that crap of a cooler (Zalman) :p. next is the cooler master power supply :ph34r:

anyway, id say stick to good old DI water. Better performance and does't gunk up your hardware.

bit-tech.net | Watercooling Fluid Shootout

good read and if you really want to use premix, it seems Feser one is the way to go.

What's wrong with a Zallie?


I rock this thing and it keeps the proc nice and cool.
Ya fo real. I've had 2 zalman coolers in the past few years and they cool very well.

Too bad they didn't mention cooler master's fluid in that; I'm interested to see now. I've had my watercooling setup for 3 years so far and there is abosolutely no gunk in it. I've taken the system apart one time in those 3 years to replace a GPU cooler for a newer graphics card. I'm watercooling my GPU and CPU. Bad experiances?
Thats sweet, may be a project for me in the future.

How does the water cooler seal around the cpu? o-rings? Need some videos with all of the desktop effects running, Compiz or Aero will be just fine. :)

Sealed piece of plastic to a coper base which is for the transfer of heat from the cpu. It sits on top as a fan would.
Linux cheeese9988... Vista blows :)

Refer to title ^^
well i know what hes asking, compiz is on linux, but i just dont know what that has to do with watercoling lol


Just wanted some kind of bench mark too see what that thing can do when overclocked that high.
with a 7300 GT, not much in the way of graphical effects.

BUT folding, this machine can hammer out about 5000 PPD.
well i just wiped it and loaded up mythbuntu 8.04 64 bit.

yay VM free folding! i like this new version of myth too. i can check movie times now, thats pimp. ill get some screen shots later.
screen shot while folding. doesnt even break a sweat. even at 3.8GHz!


the top panel has my monitors, from left to right its core voltage, pump RPM, NB temp, Core 0-3. and the bottom panel is used for the windows and the desktop switcher.
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screen shot while folding. doesnt even break a sweat. even at 3.8GHz!


the top panel has my monitors, from left to right its core voltage, pump RPM, NB temp, Core 0-3. and the bottom panel is used for the windows and the desktop switcher.

Is that panel part of the system monitor?
no, its an applet that just reads system temps/voltages/fan speeds. i can tell it what to display and what not to display. the things that its displaying are the things i feel are important to keep track of. having everything up there makes it too cluttered.

but no, not part of the system monitor, that just monitors CPU usage, Mem usage, and network activity. so if i close it, the harware monitors still run in the panel
Ya fo real. I've had 2 zalman coolers in the past few years and they cool very well.

For the price, Zalman's are just not worth it. They look pretty and cool decently, but much better choices out there.