we have a new pope

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Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Apr 19 2005, 07:13 PM
name me 5 things the pope has done besides:

- be a "figure" people can look up to
- wave/say prayers
- be the pope

I can't name 1 thing. can you?
[post=488872]Quoted post[/post]​

why do you have to question everything. what im hearing is "fuck the pope, he isnt anything special, he hasnt done shit for anyone" and that my friend is beyond ignorance.

Pope John Paul II suffered from Parkinsons which makes it difficult for him to speak clearly. He is also unable to walk or stand, hobbled by hip and knee ailments and arthritis..just keep that in mind.
He has spoken more, traveled more, and published more things than ANY of the previous popes. His travels within Italy and to the 102 countries he has visited is more than all the past popes....combined. He brought together, for the first time i and many people can remember, Jews Christains Catholics and Protestants together in one of the, if not thee, largest religious gatherings ever. He survived an assassination attempt. He took it upon himself to say things, not have people say things for him. Vatican observes view him as being the biggest influence in the collapse communism and the berlin wall.

He was much more than accomplishments. Its what he stood for and what he did on a personal scale is what makes him great. Talking to more people, logging more miles than all the previous popes combined, visitng over 100 countries (and not just visit but speak), talking to youth groups around the world, touching every life he could.
im not saying fuck him or anything, hell im roman catholic... lol i just don't see what he did, or any pope for that matter, as being an important figure in soceity.

ended communism? which country? in the past 100 years, its been war, not the pope.
Originally posted by time magazine
John Paul II made the renunciation of coercive force the political center of his pontificate. His stout opposition to Soviet communism was built around nonviolence, and his dramatic support of the Polish resistance movement was key to its firm commitment to nonviolence too. Because the democratic opposition behind the Iron Curtain remained peaceful, Mikhail Gorbachev, in the climactic months of 1989, was able to respond to it peacefully. John Paul II is often credited with a crucial role in the fall of communism, but his role, against the expectations of all "realists," was defined by its nonviolence. War never again!

full article here

John Paul II's 1979 trip was the fulcrum of revolution which led to the collapse of Communism. Timothy Garton Ash put it this way, "Without the Pope, no Solidarity. Without Solidarity, no Gorbachev. Without Gorbachev, no fall of Communism." (In fact, Gorbachev himself gave the Kremlin's long-term enemy this due, "It would have been impossible without the Pope.") It was not just the Pope's hagiographers who told us that his first pilgrimage was the turning point. Skeptics who felt Wojtyla was never a part of the resistance said everything changed as John Paul II brought his message across country to the Poles. And revolutionaries, jealous of their own, also look to the trip as the beginning of the end of Soviet rule.

It was Gorbachev himself who acknowledged publicly the role of John Paul II in the fall of Communism. "What has happened in Eastern Europe in recent years would not have been possible without the presence of this Pope, without the great role even political that he has played on the world scene" (quoted in La Stampa, March 3, 1992).
ok, so he assisted with something that was bound to happen anyway. the USSR was falling apart day by day at that time...

other than "healing the world of communism" what else?
somehow that strikes me as a more appropriate image to be associated with the roman catholic church...
"I find it strange that the old pope is Polish, and the new pope is German. Germany invaded poland. That's what started WWII. And this pope was a Nazi youth. I just find that a little weird." <-- friend of mine.
I thought for sure that I responded to this.. such a poignant topic that I couldn't pass up.

But it turns out, I DID !

Pope John Paul II helped to end communism on the eastern Bloc by returning to Poland to denounce, in one foul swoop - the tyrade and fear that Communist party invokes. He showed up and said, officially, that Communism is wrong - There is a god. From there, it was the Polish people, with this new found hope and ties to their past that they were able to strongly push Communism out the door.

Pope Benedict the 16th, however, is returning to Germany to proudly display his new position. Hitler would be proud, one of his Youths becoming pope and all. Here are some facts, as provided by the VATICAN (Not AP, CNN or any other shit)

Cardinal Ratz published papers threatening severe punishment for Priests who talk about Child molestation in the church. They were given a vow of Silence to follow, and in the same document required to convince anyone coming forth in the Church with allegations to maintain a vow of silence as well.
Proudly published the paper that disallowed Women in the Clergy.
Has revoked the Church's ability to offer communion to anyone that supports Abortion or Right-To-Die movements. This is why John Kerry was not allowed Communion.
Has called gaydom "Temporary Disease" and has said that gays must seek a cure outside of the Church, and are welcomed back upon forving their "illness".

He was a member of the NAZI Hitler Youth, and later moved on to the Wehrmacht, in the end of the war. He tells us since 1981 that he was forced to be a member, and feared for his life. He left this to join the Clergy (To save his own ass) and get out of service. In the end, he was brought to the front lines to fight and in 1944 didn't just "desert" the Axis forces, he was captured and wound up in an allied POW camp. He was busted trying to cross the Hungarian lines.

So he faced the option of joining the NAZI fight, or taking consequences. Hmmmm... I wonder What Jesus Would Do ? :)

When the Cardinals were voting, we saw the smoke, but we must not have heard the burbling from the fucking Bong.

He's such an asshole, and his presence here (Since it doesn't seem to offend Jews) is purely to offend the Muslims, who aren't too happy about him being pope either. For the Muslims, this is The Church's answer to Ayatollah Khomeini.

But, according to the Papal Prophecies, which has so far been very close to "true", we have one more pope (Peter) before the end of the world anyway. So smoke 'em if you got 'em !

-> Steve
Someone has a new pope, but not me. I don't put much stock into the position of the pope. I mean we are talking about a severely corrupted organization here. The catholic church is probably the most corrupt organization in history. First we have the inquisition then we have the church selling indulgences and then you have the pope's themselves. You have one that happened to be a female then you have one that died while having sex with someones wife (A double whammy). I'm not denying that the pope has power, mainly because of the masses of people that believe he is God's go-to guy and the amount of financial backing that provides. But let's get real here. We are talking about a shady organization that did everything in it's power to control the planet and stop the spread of technology and individualism. If you deny any of this than you should do some research. I am sure things can change and maybe have but I mean, perhaps the nazi party could have changed too, but I wouldn't pay it much mind.


I guess they were kind of amusing.....

I think it is odd that everyone says that one of the reasons this guy was selected to be pope was to kind of buy a little time until they decide who the next pope will be. So it's kinda like they are saying "You're fucking old man, we all know you're on your way out the door" Anyway, if I were him that would kind of upset me.
how long do they expect him to live? or maybe this is going to turn into a conspiracy assassination...