What makes your car

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and this my friends is the greatest ratio ever...

On a whore:vehicle ratio.

and gotta love the walmart bitches...

and the lux cars are CLUTCH in getting bitches...
had a porsche and a bimmer... doesn;t matter what year or what they look like... chicks hear the big $$$ name and they're just all over it... insanity...
but don;t expect to bring any of those lux whores home to meet the folks...

also wanted to add that i saw some fucker rocking a brandy new audi yesterday... prob paid for by his family and he had the pencil thin no brain bitch in the passanger seat... but the funny part was i just watched him rail the curb pulling into blockbuster and his shit got FUCKED up... front all hanging down... nice...

i love watching tools that think they're hot shit humiliate themselves in daddys car...
Originally posted by DarkHand@Dec 31 2003, 03:30 PM
Just look at it!


They're all like 'OMG a mint 1st gen CRX! I want you now!'

Then I wake up.

hahahaha I've had that same dream with my Escort..the only difference though is that car wasn't even mint. :doh:
preluderjs Posted on Dec 31 2003, 05:43 AM
QUOTE (TurboMirage @ Dec 31 2003, 02:34 AM)

girls think my car is cute. that is all.

Hear it all the time. "I love your car, its so cute" or "thats a cute little car"
VW's are gay.

LOL, Thats the story of my life. Girls in Colorado hate cars. The only thing that attracts any girls are my subs, when days a bumpin', the hunnys come runnin'. Too bad the "hunnys" are HOODRAT HOODRAT HOOCHIE MAMMA'S!!! :angry:

But now that my car is painted, Allot more girls at least LOOK. :D
Ya my cra has never really attracted alot of chicks, I guess its just something about a other than low with bronze wheels stock looking accord that just doesnt catch theyre eye, but thats not what matters anyway its what i like about it and that my friend is all under the hood
Originally posted by Iron 1@Dec 30 2003, 11:45 PM
What's the mod to your car that gets you the most girls? It can be the most ass/looks/whatever, just the most...

If you need a car to get girls, then you lack some serious fucking interpersonal communication skills.

save that shit for the mexicans who cruise up and down the street in the lowriders oogling at every chick they see.

worst topic ever.
you know what? i retract my last statement......

im assuming the starter of this thread is a high school kid.....and some high school chicks are into guys only for their cars....

my old age has made me forget I was once young too....
I'm not a High school kid, i did graduate. I work 50+ hrs. a week, and don't really have time to care about what others think of my car, after all it is MY car. I was just curious.
My turn-
I am assuming that when you were in high school you had a girlfriend. she dumped you, and went out with a guy that had a nice car. This new guy could quite possibly be Mexican as well??? hahahha never mind, I was just playin'
Have a good day Sir
Originally posted by Celerity@Dec 31 2003, 03:56 AM
I think Tint does the trick, if you're looking at a cheap "slut getter". The real women like my car because it's a hot little econo car. It's a modest car, and not a penis compensator like an





-> Steve


thats funny my sister boyfriend has an audi...hmmmm
Most of the girls I go out with don't even see my car at first. Not because I hide it, but I just don't flaunt it. My mod would be my color. Whenever people see my car they always ask about the color, guy/girl/anyone. It's not to get the chicks/looks, it's just something I like, and created, It's unique and others enjoy it as well.
Girls say my Civic is cute... that's about it. Forget about picking up a chick in it... it's not an M3 Beemer... just cute is all I get...
Originally posted by Iron 1@Dec 31 2003, 07:42 PM
Most of the girls I go out with don't even see my car at first. Not because I hide it, but I just don't flaunt it. My mod would be my color. Whenever people see my car they always ask about the color, guy/girl/anyone. It's not to get the chicks/looks, it's just something I like, and created, It's unique and others enjoy it as well.

what color?
It's a mix of Subaru blue, ford blue, a little dodge blue, and some others. It's basicaly a dark blue, but there's 2 stages of pearl in the base coat itself. It will change colors with the different lights, like at night it's a purple, like the sapphire purple from the supra, during sundown it'll change to a teal. once the snow is gone, and I clean it I'll post some pics if you all'd like...
Originally posted by Iron 1@Dec 31 2003, 07:36 PM

I am assuming that when you were in high school you had a girlfriend. she dumped you, and went out with a guy that had a nice car. This new guy could quite possibly be Mexican as well??? hahahha never mind, I was just playin'
Have a good day Sir

wrong assumption....

That shit didnt fly out here in so. cali.....
I was the one taking pussy away from the jocks with the "nice cars"


and judging by the name of this thread...your game...is lackluster if that.

I mean, you could most likely get some mexican chick from the ghetto...or some white trash whore with a "pimp ride"...

but I'm not into trash bro...

Where you at dude? bring your "pimp ride" (read: A FUCKING 15,000 HONDA CIVIC) and ill still take your bitch.

the car gets the initial 'hey check that out" once you roll down the window it's all on you mang.
Originally posted by jeffie7@Dec 31 2003, 03:53 AM

girls could care less about whats under the hood unless they are trying to be cool to you or their other guy friends

every girl that has been in my car bitched about how loud it was or how hrash of a ride it was and when I did get on it "throttle wise" they had a look on there face that they just shit theirself look..... they hated it

I don't know of any girls who like the sound of an open dump tube I did however give almost every guy 12-20yo a stiffy from people trying to wave me over to people just giving thumbs up guys loved my car

Hondas are not cars to pick girls up with unless you're going for that 14-15 year old girl that's into F&F or you get one of them wannabe model girls who thinks your car could get them into an import mag

bottom line if girls go for your car its an item thing/money so when you think a honda gets chicks...... well hondas would fall into that cheap lets buy our son a civic becuase its a good first car kinda car class....

Only reason I would think about building another civic is because I like being the underdog I could care less how many girls it picks up or how many guys get off to it its all about shutting that guy up with the 911, vette, viper...

when it comes down to cars and speed, girls are last on the last F them they do nothing but waste money that could be going into the car

now if you want girls all over you because of your car... go buy a BMW or some other lux car or just get an NSX that would do the trick =)

girls could care less about whats under the hood unless they are trying to be cool to you or their other guy friends


every girl that has been in my car bitched about how loud it was or how hrash of a ride it was and when I did get on it "throttle wise" they had a look on there face that they just shit theirself look..... they hated it

SUP3R DUP3R W3RD......"Why does that sound have to be so fucking loud Tony?"
"Tony, you car bounces too damn much" "Tony, your car scrapes my driveway"
"Tony, take that damn turbo off" "STOP flooring it Tony, I dont like it when you do that"

Hondas are not cars to pick girls up with unless you're going for that 14-15 year old girl that's into F&F or you get one of them wannabe model girls who thinks your car could get them into an import mag

Coulda said it better myself....

Only reason I would think about building another civic is because I like being the underdog

We were seperated at birth I think....

anyways, just wanted to comment on his comments.....
My Celica gets me guys cuz it's a girls car. Then when they get closer, they run away because they realize it's the bull dyke of girls cars.
top 10 things that chicks love about my car.

10. My AEM decals (10hp a sticker gets ladies)
9. My Exhaust (can be heard for miles, literally)
8.My Stereo (who doesnt love the rib crushing capacity of 1, 10" sub.)
7.My A/F gauge("What's that blinky thing do??")
6.The sound of my intake ("This doesnt sound like a 4 cylinder car."")
5.My Carbon shift nob ("What is that?")
4.Steelies (DUBS are for pussies, real pimps roll steelies)
3.Primer ("Hey, your car is 2 different colors of white!")
2.Bondo (Ladies love a guys who do their own bosy work)
1.Rust (nutin says straight up gangster like it)

wait, what the hell am i saying, i havent gotten any in 6mo.