whats vibrating your eardrums?

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Haha I was just running through Niggaz4Life in the car the other day.

I'm an extremely caucasian fella, but it's amazing how bad modern "rap" music is these days.
I didn't love this song when I first heard it years back, but this video does something to it that makes it much, much better IMO...

"Elton John Radio" on Pandora. Been playing it on the home theater for a good 12 hours now. Even left it on for the dog when I was out running errands, shoveling snow, and out for dinner. He's a strange guy, but his music, and related music, is damn good. Eagles, Journey, Fleetwood Mac, and many more I wasn't home for lol.

One of my favorites from foo fighters

Another good one
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One of my favorites from foo fighters

Another good one

Wasting Light is a good album. I think this might actually be my favorite track:

Good energy there. Reminds me of some of their earliest stuff...
This song is, well, weird, but it is probably the BEST music video ever made.

So... the music actually stops as he's hacking up the internet troll... and you call the MUSIC weird?

I mean I understand the killing of the asshole troll to an extent... but he hacked him up and put him in a meat grinder. haha

E... watch your back. Don't cross B. lol