Win 7 RC1 build 7100 now available from Microsoft

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I plan on DLing it when I get home. I downloaded Beta 1 and didnt do jack with it haha. RC1 may be in the same boat.
i thought this was only available to certain builders/keys. hrm

It was for a while, now it's open to the public. And it's good and legal until I think March 2010, so there's plenty of time for an expiration crack to come out... I mean plenty of time to buy the full version. :ph34r:
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I would get it if I wasn't too busy/lazy to rebuild my computer. Right now Vista Ultimate x64 is doing just fine.
haha it temporarily brought msn's servers to its knees a couple of days ago.

from most of what ive gathered, its the OS to go with and what Vista shouldve been. definately looking forward to this.
After SP1 Vista wasnt all that horrible really from what I hear. Now the hype of it sucking really effected sales no doubt about it. But whenever I hear someone bitching about Vista I ask them what their biggest complaint is and really have no complaint.
yeah its not that bad but still not for me. i disabled UAC but the few problems that have cropped up are not able to install some updates, corrupted data and stupid ass indexing (which u can turn off too). out of 4 vista machines ive used, 2 have crashed and need reinstalls. most of it was due to corrupted data. hopefully sp2 will fix all these issues.

vista was good but not great. windows 7 is vista 2.0 so hopefully itll be good like XP is kinda 2000 2.0.
i've installed vista enterprise SP1 on all my machines now, x86 and x64, and have little to no issues at all just leaving things as-is with UAC on and the firewall on.

then again, i dont tinker hardcore or visit malicious websites.
After SP1 Vista wasnt all that horrible really from what I hear. Now the hype of it sucking really effected sales no doubt about it. But whenever I hear someone bitching about Vista I ask them what their biggest complaint is and really have no complaint.

If I had a dime for every time a customer came in to bestbuy asking about Vista because "It sucks balls right?" when they've never even tried it...
So today I turned my pc on to find that the Creative drivers for my X-Fi sound card f***ed up on me again and my left speaker stopped working for like the 50th time. I got pissed and downloaded and installed RC1 and I've gotta say so far so good its really nice but no signs of being smoother than Vista x64 imo.
i'm not impressed with vista at all... its slow as fuck for me.

now that i have a monitor again, i'm going to try rc1 on my laptop
got it installed on my netbook. feels like a mac. i'm semi-pleased. i will give it a little more time, hopefully can customize the interface a bit.
