wtf is up with the weather.

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well now we have 3-4 inches with ice on top that has already froze for the most part. Its still raining but not too hard, just a light but consisntant drizzle.

Maybe i should have put my snows on, never tried all seasons... but they are 195 vs 205
Just started snowing an hour or so ago, with some freezing rain and possible ice buildup predicted...

I absolutely HATE cold weather, but if it means there will be less people at the World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade midnight release tonight, I'm all for it. :D
It's been around 15-50 (low to highs) here on the coasts. That's hella cold for the california coast... I guess I'm just a wimp. It's 43° right now, and my feet are cold.
It was 18 all day. I built two decks :) in jeans and a sweatshirt. I can't even tell anymore.
It's 85 out with 70% humidity and not a single cloud out. Because I've spent the majority of my workday outside so far, I had to go home for lunch and change into shorts to prevent death lol. I have a feeling the heat stroke count is going to go up this summer...again.
we got ~3inches here. car sucks ass in the snow :) but we still had some fun.

its almost all gone already :(
~2 inches at my place on the hill, 1 downtown. the suby is a beast in the slushy shit :p

Unfortunately, this storm probably amrks the end of driving the M for a while :(
i had a dusting this morning with flurries, but sunny now and high of 38 = no snow
we had a dusting when i woke up, its still snowing right now.. just a flurry. im still waiting for the day when we get a foot.
snowed last night and a little this morning... just went outside for a smoke break and its fucking BEAUTIFUL
this winter is bullshit so far... i want my money back
Just more Snow, Ice and slush here in the Pacific North West. Buisness is freaking dead for Concrete sales/delivery.
Wow... Walked outside this morning, it was comin down good... I walk outside around 4 to leave work... And its like... "ummm... wasn't it snowing this morning?"