Your 'To Do' List

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raises suck.

i doubled my salary from 2 years ago and i take home like 20 bucks more a week.

thank you welfare babies.
Step 1: Steal underwear
Step 2: ?
Step 3: Profit

I was just about post that! Hahaha

But what's step 2?

Anyways, here's mine:

1. Graduate
2. Buy a REAL car
3. Get my own place
4. Upgrade my security clearance
5. Get engaged
6. Get new contacts :P

There's plenty more.
my to do list for the short term:

1. drive home from work
2. get some food
3. lounge for a little while
4. go get coffee
5. go back home
6. masturbate like its my last day on earth (cuz ya never know)
7. go to sleep
8. wake up (if indeed it wasn't my last day on earth)
9. crank one off again (cuz ya never know)
10. get ready for work
11. drive to work
(repeat from step 1)

thats pretty much my daily to do list. other items are added on an as needed basis