Does anyone believe in dream interpretation???

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i had two weird dreams the other night ...

the first one i was at some place with all the people and the girl i liked kept hiding from me or something. and then i got hurt and started like running from the building we were in and all the people who were working there or something were like "you cant leave." But i did anyways and cops started chasing me and the rest of it was like a cop chase.

and then i woke up and went back to sleep ...

As far as i can tell the next dream was the end of the world. I was at the mall and these crazy ass storms came and destroyed everything. we were in a building hiding and there were tornadoes and floods and earthquakes. After the storm was over i had to find my way back to my house and was digging through all the wreckage try to find my things.

idk, both were pretty much depressing as fuck =/
I remember dreams quite well. So well, in fact that I commonly mistake real life for the dream. I get upset at people because I had a dream where they pissed me off. I still "remember" being teleported. I've managed to integrate a lot of my dreams into my waking reality.

Which is kinda dangerous. I'm sure it's no surprise to you people seeing how borderline insane I am.

That's my curse too. People get pissed at me because they claim I never told them. Unfortunately, this also happens while I'm awake: I'll think I said something, and so I'll just wait for their response, and when they don't respond, I'll think they're ignoring me. Not to mention how flat, textured surfaces like popcorn ceilings will crawl like a tub full of maggots. Yep, I'm pretty sure I'm certifiable.
That's my curse too. People get pissed at me because they claim I never told them. Unfortunately, this also happens while I'm awake: I'll think I said something, and so I'll just wait for their response, and when they don't respond, I'll think they're ignoring me. Not to mention how flat, textured surfaces like popcorn ceilings will crawl like a tub full of maggots. Yep, I'm pretty sure I'm certifiable.
I get that, I also get the levitation thing. For me, it's the same as the sensation of quickly looking at the second moving on a clock, and SWEARING it just moved backwards.

But that's been explained.
I get that, I also get the levitation thing. For me, it's the same as the sensation of quickly looking at the second moving on a clock, and SWEARING it just moved backwards.

But that's been explained.

How so? I want to hear this explanation.

I've gotten the levitation thing for a long ass time. Right now it feels like my body is floating up out of the chair, and I have the urge to grab onto the desk to keep from floating up and away.
i had two weird dreams the other night ...

the first one i was at some place with all the people and the girl i liked kept hiding from me or something. and then i got hurt and started like running from the building we were in and all the people who were working there or something were like "you cant leave." But i did anyways and cops started chasing me and the rest of it was like a cop chase.

and then i woke up and went back to sleep ...

As far as i can tell the next dream was the end of the world. I was at the mall and these crazy ass storms came and destroyed everything. we were in a building hiding and there were tornadoes and floods and earthquakes. After the storm was over i had to find my way back to my house and was digging through all the wreckage try to find my things.

idk, both were pretty much depressing as fuck =/

I've had three or four dreams that I was caught in tornadoes in the past week. Bu I wasn't at my home, I was like out in Kansas or something. Just strange and I felt misplaced the whole time.
How so? I want to hear this explanation.

I've gotten the levitation thing for a long ass time. Right now it feels like my body is floating up out of the chair, and I have the urge to grab onto the desk to keep from floating up and away.

The Human brain operates backwards. It observes, and comprehends in the reverse. Look up "Reverse speech", it's an interesting study on how younger minds, or highly stressed minds (like in a car wreck or some emergency) often speak backwards . He sets up a recording and reverses it.

So basically, your eyes see something, but your brain thinks about what it sees backwards. The effect is an occasional skip that is normally smoothed over by the consciousness. A clock is a focused, known quantity. So the subconsious mind will ignore the initial command to reverse it, before the conscious mind takes over, corrects the mistake, and puts it's hand in it's pocket. "What are you talking about? I didn't see anything."
Here's a dream I posted here back in 2004:

I remember the awesome scenery in this dream much more than the storyline, so the details might not be that good. :) Most all of my 'good' dreams always have background music, artsy camera angles, etc. This was one of them. :) My descriptions aren't quite as detailed as I'd like them to be, so try to imagine the scene and situations as you go along. :)


So in this dream I'm working for the Yakuza. I'm in Tokyo in the future... I'm standing far outside the city high on a hill during sunrise, the whole city is lit up in gold... the semi-futuristic buildings gleaming from the light, speckled with lights from the interior rooms. 75% of the buildings are 2x taller than the Sears Tower, and several times as wide. Most cars are on the ground, but a few are flying around the city.

After some ogling of the scene (complete with matching background music), I'm in a giant mall, with ads flashing everywhere. It's got that hard near-futuristic feel yet is just soft enough to feel inviting and homely at the same time. The setup is quite nice, its large and open, no walls separate the stores from one another, or the thoughways from the stores... there's a defined open area for walking though the mall, but nothing really separates it from the stores themselves. Standard mall music plays in the background. In the corner is a deli/coffee shop of some kind, which I head over to and sit down to receive my instructions.

A shady looking Japanese teenager walks past and hands me a blue-clear PDA without stopping. Somehow I know I am to simply take it to a store across the mall and hide it in a clothing rack.

I start walking across the mall and notice I'm being followed by a slick Japanese man in a black suit and sunglasses. I'm really terrified of this guy, and all I know is I've got to lose him. It's early morning, so the mall's morning rush is just starting. I move into a sea of people, head up and down a few escalators, and after about 10 minutes of tense evading, I manage to elude him.

I start making my way back to my drop point in a much quieter area of the mall. Almost no one is around and it's very quiet. As I walk into the store, a holographic recording of an overly hyper japanese girl bouncing up and down in her new clothes starts playing, breaking the silence, announcing my entrance to the store. It's an ad. I continue on and it turns off automatically. Since I'm alone, I quickly place the PDA inside the clothing rack I'm supposed to and start to walk off. Just as I do, I hear the holographic ad again from the entrance. (Tense background music starts to play). Turning around, two men are entering the store from different directions. A lanky american, and the slick Japanese man that was following me! They're both heading directly for the rack that I hid the PDA in. The Japanese man that was following me gets to it first, grabs it, and runs off. The american yells to me: "Stop him!" I was already wary of the slick Japanese man, since he was following me, so I listen to the american and chase after him.

(Chase music and shaky camera shots during this whole scene) Now we're running as fast as we can through a growing sea of people, several thousand at least (did I mention this was a BIG mall?). The slick Japanese man is knocking people down, pushing through the crowd to get away. He's gaining a large lead over me and I'm starting to lose sight of him. He starts down an escalator packed with people, one of several dozen double-wide escalators spanning 5 stories, all in a line, and is unable to get through the people; he'll have to wait and ride it out till he gets to the bottom. I jump onto the railing and slide down, getting to the bottom just as he does. I tackle him, grab the PDA, and hold him there till the authorities, who have been trying to catch us but were unable to get to us through the crowd, arrive. I pocket the PDA so the cops don't take it and hand the man off to them (why they didn't even ask about me is beyond me). The american finally catches up and I give the PDA to him. He thanks me and leaves rather quickly.

It's later now, and I head back to the deli/coffee shop and slip through the back door. I'm in the back storage area of the mall, the Yakuza hideout is here. I'm here to receive my pay. The back area of the mall is nothing like the large open outer areas. It's drab and plain, the hallways are narrow and the ceilings are low. The 'godfather' is here, he has the voice of the mob godfather from the Simpsons (the one who wants to see Krusty ride the tiny bike through the loop). Kind of odd that I'm dealing with the godfather, I thought I would be paid by some random guy and I'd be off. He's dealing with someone else right now, and I'm watching and listening. The godfather is talking in a calm voice: "Your problem has been dealt with. You wanted proof, yes?" He hands him a black briefcase, which he opens to reveal a severed arm. "Thank you", the man says, and he heads out.

I'm up next, a little nervous after seeing the results of the last guys meeting. The godfather looks at me, slightly annoyed, but hides it and says: "I'm sure you hid the files, yes?" I nod. "A man came to take them, yes?" I nod again. "A Japanese man, yes?" Now I'm terrified. "No. I know all about it. You gave them to an american, yes? An american operative, no less. You gave the files to the wrong man, you fool!" In walks the slick Japanese man, holding a black breifcase and a large knife.

The Human brain operates backwards. It observes, and comprehends in the reverse. Look up "Reverse speech", it's an interesting study on how younger minds, or highly stressed minds (like in a car wreck or some emergency) often speak backwards . He sets up a recording and reverses it.

So basically, your eyes see something, but your brain thinks about what it sees backwards. The effect is an occasional skip that is normally smoothed over by the consciousness. A clock is a focused, known quantity. So the subconsious mind will ignore the initial command to reverse it, before the conscious mind takes over, corrects the mistake, and puts it's hand in it's pocket. "What are you talking about? I didn't see anything."

That's interesting. Now you've changed the observed, simply by explaining it.
That's interesting. Now you've changed the observed, simply by explaining it.
Indeed. It doesn't happen to me anymore, really. Everytime I see a second hand sweep, I immediately look for the back-step. The subconscious works fast and I rarely see it.

Everyone perceives events from back to front.
Indeed. It doesn't happen to me anymore, really. Everytime I see a second hand sweep, I immediately look for the back-step. The subconscious works fast and I rarely see it.

Everyone perceives events from back to front.

You know. I just looked at my watch, and I'm not sure if it's the watch that seems like it swings forward, then back, then forward again, but.... I seriously see it. I just always assumed that it was how the cheap quartz clocks worked. I never had the problem with my Raketa wind-up, or the aviator wind ups. Actually, I'm going to go check now.......

I don't know if it's me, or if it's every clock in my house now. I'm going to assume it's the way solenoid driven clocks work.
Well, glad to hear I could fuck up your mind a little more.

That's why I'm here.

Uh, every clock does that by design. I just took apart a clock, and spun it slowly to wittness it in slow motion. It by design spins the second hand backwards right after spinning it forward, then it does this again.

You're taking advantage of me. And I don't enjoy it.
Uh, every clock does that by design. I just took apart a clock, and spun it slowly to wittness it in slow motion. It by design spins the second hand backwards right after spinning it forward, then it does this again.

You're taking advantage of me. And I don't enjoy it.

Now you've got him ripping apart clocks, Cel... :D:D
Uh, every clock does that by design. I just took apart a clock, and spun it slowly to wittness it in slow motion. It by design spins the second hand backwards right after spinning it forward, then it does this again.

You're taking advantage of me. And I don't enjoy it.

That's nothing. Did you know that if you get water hot enough, you can light a cigarette from it ?

They say you only use 2% of your brain. I wonder what we do with the other 94%.

I just did some slow-motion photography. The damned thing doesn't move back at all. I am crazy.

Cel: I appologize.
Here's the file:

(Btw, B, Can we get .avi as a valid filetype?)


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It is wierd that you can't re-wire your brain to accept the truth. You prolly see traffic lights that APPEAR to be closer than they are, until your brain "re takes the picture" and gives you proper range.

And if you do, I have an answer for that too :)