Does anyone believe in dream interpretation???

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Actually, yeah the slow motion dreams are another one. Or the lack of strength dreams.
Actually, yeah the slow motion dreams are another one. Or the lack of strength dreams.

Yeah I can not express the amount of SUCK Those dreams have.. I had a dream bout a month ago where i woke up and was still in a nightmare, but thought I was awake.. then finally woke up from that and realized damn its only 3, Fell back asleep into the same thing.. woke up at 4 then.. Soo Tired but tried not to go back to sleep.. think i watched one of the latenight infomercials for a few minutes to try to get it outa the back of my head..
Ever have a dream where you know you're dreaming, and you can do whatever you want?
I still wont let my girlfriend sleep overnight with me cause one night I woke up swinging beating the shit outa my pillow only inches from her head.when I woke up and realized what I was doing I broke out into one of those controlable (boarderline psycotic sounding) laughs because I couldnt believe what just happened.. It was totally not funny, but I guess its like when you scare the shit outa someone and thy just start laughing outa nowhere.. iunno..
Ever have a dream where you know you're dreaming, and you can do whatever you want?

LOL Yeah but every damn time when what I want's about to happen I wake up piiiiised.. cause I know I wont beable to pick up where I left off in a good one..
I still wont let my girlfriend sleep overnight with me cause one night I woke up swinging beating the shit outa my pillow only inches from her head.when I woke up and realized what I was doing I broke out into one of those controlable (boarderline psycotic sounding) laughs because I couldnt believe what just happened.. It was totally not funny, but I guess its like when you scare the shit outa someone and thy just start laughing outa nowhere.. iunno..

I woke up one morning, at sunrise, and began reciting the call to prayers. It really freaked my girlfriend out. Since then I haven't had any hard liquer, and I've been fine.
I woke up one morning, at sunrise, and began reciting the call to prayers. It really freaked my girlfriend out. Since then I haven't had any hard liquer, and I've been fine.

I hear ya man, when I stayed in hawaii I drank ALOT!! Mostly cause my brother would come home from work with a 6pk, we'd go in the back yard and shotgun them before his wife got home 15 mins after he does.. that'd get me started and I'd wake up in all kinda crazy places.. O just found out this week that my brothers doctor said he's about to die if he dont stop drinking, he's down to 115lbs.. terrible.. Alcoholism runs in my family bad.. I dont touch liquor atall, and only drink a few beers from time to time.. hate that spinning drunk feeling.. Alcohol really brings the devil out in people..
I think google thinks that I'm a muslim now. It's trying to 'save' me.


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Dream Interpretation: Absolutely. Dreaming is pretty much your subconcious speaking to your concious mind. You can interpret your own dreams with 100% accuracy. Other people, however, cannot. They may be able to talk you into realizing what your dream meant, but they are just poking parts of your mind and asking the right questions. You are the one who tells them what your dream was about, and you work it out in your own mind.

Anyway, my favorite dreams are "snooze" dreams in the morning. Alarm clock goes off, you wake up, hit it, snooze for another 10 minutes. Those 10 minute dreams are always the best for me. I can somewhat control them, or at least pick the subject matter, and they always rock.