facebook prayer, makes the news? lol.

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Some union was spreading this same thing around only it was a Rep. Lawmaker in the punch line. It’s retarded. Refer to the CBS poll. It’s time to go into over drive to discredit those who do not fall in lock step with this administration. It is amazing to see the hypocrisy that comes from the left however, during the Bush administrations it was everyone's patriotic duty to throw shoes at inflatable’s of El Presidente, but now you are a raging racist if you disagree with healthcare. It is about marginalizing the opposition.
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  • facebook prayer.JPG
    facebook prayer.JPG
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"Dear Lord, this year you took my favorite actor, Patrick Swayzie (sic). You took my favorite actress, Farah (sic) Fawcett. You took my favorite singer, Michael Jackson. I just wanted to let you know, my favorite president is Barack Obama. Amen."

that is effing hilarious.
That means that roughly 1 in every 307 people want Obama to disappear or dislike him...those are not good numbers for him.
Wow I had no idea this much awesome could come out of Marysville, Ohio. I now have new found faith in my town.