I'm a daddy!

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on thursday i became a daddy to a beautiful little girl named Kamber. she weighed 5 pounds and 6.7 ounces and was 19 inches long when she was born. she is a blessing and an absolute angel. i cant wait to show her the world! heres a picture of me holding her at the hospital.


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Congrats. It's that time of everyone's life on here. Before you know it Brian 2 will have a kid.
James needs to catch up to you so your kids are close enough in age that your girl can kick his sons ass.


Now, the 500 pound gorilla in the room .

Congrats man! I also was wondering about the name... does it have significance of some sort?
Congrats, No kids of my own but it was fun hanging out with my 5 month old niece last night. Your life will definitely change now.
thanks everyone! the little boy on the left in the picture is my gf's son. his name is Brandon and im not his dad although he looks up to me as one.

i came up with the name Kamber one day while i was looking at my yellow truck and admiring the negative camber on it....lol. i then thought that Camber would be a good name but have the first letter be a K instead of a C. i thought it sounded cool for a girl's name.

thanks again for the congrats everyone and its definately a blessing and i enjoy every minute of it!
Congrats. It's that time of everyone's life on here. Before you know it Brian 2 will have a kid.
James needs to catch up to you so your kids are close enough in age that your girl can kick his sons ass.


Yeah, not happening. I'm not responsible enough to take care of myself, let alone a child.

Congrats B.

BTW I knew exactly how he came up with the name as soon as I read it. lol
Cel...thats a badass stroller! i dig it! im planning on getting a Radio Flyer wagon and body dropping it and using it to haul her around in at car shows.

B...yeah my gf thinks im crazy with some of the stuff i come up with, like her name...lol.

thanks again everyone! shes definately the best thing i can ask for :)