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^^ Likes Bewbies
As some of you know, my girl and I were expecting--what we weren't expecting was what came yesterday.

We went for an ultrasound at the doctors to make sure that all her fluids were good and everything checked out. Upon seeing the results of the ultrasound, they realized that the baby was breach. Our official due date was today (4/11/09), however, it would pose a big risk for the baby and for my girl if she tried to deliver it that way. So emergency C-section was scheduled and we went through with the surgery.

04/10/2009 at 4:00pm my son was born. He weighed 9lb 5oz, and was 20 inches long. So far, everything looks really good and there are no problems. He has a full head of blond hair and he is a spittin' image of me.

Since I was not expecting things to happen under these circumstances, I did not have my camera, so I only got a few pics from my phone. I'll be taking more and I'll post them up.


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congrats raise it right...rice is to eat,not a design :)
wow injen, really? lol

congrats. and dont worry, i'll get enough sleep in the next 10 months to make up for the sleep that you two are about to lose. lol.
congratulations sir. all the middle of the night feedings/changings are gonna seem like a lot of work now, but in 5 years you'll look back and wonder how he grew up so fast.

Enjoy it, it's the best job in the world, and take LOTS of pictures so you can remember it all.