what are you gonna do with your tax refund?

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Good luck finding a doc to do that to you being unmarried and under 30...

just stop being stupid
we are also in the day and age of law suits and lack of personal accountability/responsibility.
Good luck finding a doc to do that to you being unmarried and under 30...

just stop being stupid
I haven't wanted children most of my life. My sisters want big families. There will be little people in my life. But it's like a puppy, when they piss on the floor, it's their parents problem. If I change my mind down the line I see no problem adopting. I don't have a God complex that my child must bear my DNA and carry on my genetic code.
That's all well and fine... but it doesn't change the problem of your age and marital status. Go for a consult with a doc and see for yourself.
i can vouch for this. i tried in my mid 20's, doc said no dice
think about it, you might change your mind, blah blah blah
i think its actually unethical from a doctors point of view if you factor in the mental maturity of the person you would be snipping...
and at the time the doc said it was not reversible... i think its still hit or miss on whether they can reverse it present day.
I haven't wanted children most of my life. My sisters want big families. There will be little people in my life. But it's like a puppy, when they piss on the floor, it's their parents problem. If I change my mind down the line I see no problem adopting. I don't have a God complex that my child must bear my DNA and carry on my genetic code.

well just be sure you're fucking ready for it. I've been the father for Kristen's daughter Ayla for almost 5 of the 6.5 years she has been alive. it is not always easy but it has certainly been very rewarding. while i wouldn't trade the experience for anything in the world... i would not want to do it again and i still don't want children of my own.

oh and the ring. i will probably put a ring on it this year. to postpone the wedding as long as i can :lol:
That's all well and fine... but it doesn't change the problem of your age and marital status. Go for a consult with a doc and see for yourself.
i can vouch for this. i tried in my mid 20's, doc said no dice
think about it, you might change your mind, blah blah blah
i think its actually unethical from a doctors point of view if you factor in the mental maturity of the person you would be snipping...
and at the time the doc said it was not reversible... i think its still hit or miss on whether they can reverse it present day.
I agree, it's probably easier for me to get fake tits then to get the snip. Doesn't change my mindset on it. Will I regret one day not having kids? Maybe. But if I have them, I'm sure I'll regret not doing a bunch of stuff before I had them. Frankly, I think it's my choice. I don't see where a doctor's ethics should even come into play.
Its easy for you to form that opinion given your current age and your current mindset.
But lets say you were 50 years old, looking back at your 20's self, or better yet, lets say you are your current age, looking at a 15 year old.
Would you think a 15 year old has the proper mental capacity to make this type of decision, basing it solely on his 15 year old values and thoughts? Hell a 15 year old shouldn't even get a tattoo because of how his thoughts and values will change over time. The same opinion he holds at present will surely change by the time he reaches 25 or 35 or 45. The doctor needs to take into account the mental immaturity and how the persons thoughts and feelings may change. They are responsible for looking into the future and considering things the individual may not be considering at the present.
Lots of things in your life can change in very profound ways very very fast and one of these sudden occurrences could make you reconsider your whole value system and make you realize that maybe the things you think are so important in your life presently are not at all important, and other things come to the forefront of your thought patterns, like having a child of your own. Life is weird man.

When i was younger I thought the same way as you... but now even though i currently do not want to have kids, I realize I was not mentally mature enough at that age to make that decision. I still don't think I am mentally mature enough to make the decision to get snipped. Some day in the future you might be with the right person and you might ask yourself... what if, just trust me on this one. get back to me in 10 years and we'll talk again.
I didn't want kids in my 20s either. now that I'm an old fuck, I'm hoping to have one or two in a couple years before it's too late.
I agree my view might change. As I said, I thought about that already. I have no problem adopting a child instead of having my own. There are already too many people in the way.
Except being the old man chasing a young kid around or working until your 80 to pay for college.

I am still on the fence about kids, I could go either way.
yeah, plus when you're 50, getting a 25 year old is tough unless you have money
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Yeah, no.
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