Ufc 70

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Capt. Orygun

Win the Day
who the fuck was on here saying Pride>UFC? Both their fighters got humiliated tonight by Gonzaga and Arlofski

Gonzaga kicked Cro-Cop so hard I thought Smokey from friday was gonna make an appearance

"You got knocked the FUCK OUT"


that is all
fuck, i missed it, cuz i'm still fucking working

I liked watching the champion wrestler lose to the martial artist.

Cliff notes, dipshit, before you make your outlandish ignorant statements as usual.

90% of the fighters are "martial artists."

Its physically painful for myself and other educated individuals to watch people like yourself post.

If you haven't figured out from sheer numbers that the majority of the fights should be won by "martial artists" you're a fool. That solidifies the greater significance of wrestlers typically winning in a fighting league that is primarily dominated by martial artists. d-bag.
cro cop didnt even look like he wanted to be there, yeah he never shows any emotion, but he certainly didnt have the same attitude when he went in against Fedor, wanderlei or any of his other "big fights"

you could tell he thought he was gonna put one upside Gonzaga's head and get it over with......

but damn he got fuckin rocked!!! i dont know how he was standing afterward... his leg was all twisted up under him when he dropped like a sack of potatoes
lol....that fact that cro cop kept bowel control against fedor is a feat in itself. if i was walking down a dark alley, that is someone i wouldnt wanna see.

something i would want to see is Randy Couture fight Fedor. I would DEFINITELY pay money for that.
I think Blanco means the 155lb contest between the Oklahoma Wrestler and the UK kickboxer (the one not named Bisbing). The wrestler had his number, he shouldn't have let him up. And even if the "martial Artist" won, he did it with a submission
Cro Cop got his fucking bell rung!!!
Holly shit did yall see his friggin leg bent all funny and shit
He was getting the shit kicked out of him the whole damn time.
I believe if UFC and PRIDE did this like once or twice a year. It would be damn great to watch. Like "UFC vs. PRIDE I, II, III etc. etc...." It would make a good show if the PRIDE fighters can last a little longer......hahahahaha

Michael McDonald from K1 would do pretty damn well in the UFC in my opinion
I've said it before, silver has said as well, and i'll say it again... The UFC fighters are no slouches. I can agree that Pride has/had (since they are all UFC now) some of the better fighters and they also had a greater number of those great fighters but by no means does the UFC have clowns. People think any Pride Fighter would walk over any UFC fighter regardless of weight class, that theory was proven wrong saturday night.

Gonzaga will beat Randy, they will make it a big storyline, then randy will comeback like he always does and kill Gonzaga in thier rematch :D

Cro Cop will get the belt soon, that is unless fedor is holding it at the time lol







What's the name of the Pride fighter with a tattoo of the grim reaper holding a baby on his back? I think I heard that he is either in the russian mob or has ties to them.

UFC 70 hyped the shit out of the cro cop fight. Too bad the fight had to end like that.

EDIT: For anyone that wants to know what A. Emelianenko's tats mean:

Right arm: Cathedral with five domes: symbolizes five years of imprisonment, which he served for an armed robbery.
Shoulders: Stars: “symbolize person’s honor and dignity, they mean that one lives according to his traditions and principles”.
Right shoulder: cobweb: Aleksander did not explain it’s meaning other than say that contrary to what has been suggested by some, it does not have anything to do with mafia. In Russian prisons, tattoos using this symbol typically denote drug addiction.
Left shoulder: Russian script.
Left forearm: Half cat’s head, half skull: “Homo homini lupus est.” Translated: Man is a wolf to his fellow-man.
Back: Grim Reaper holding a baby: according to Aleksander it’s a tattoo of Holy Mother, and that it means “absolutely nothing”, he just liked the design.
Back: "Gott Mit Uns", meaning “God is with us” in German: for Aleksander, it’s a symbol of revival. This tattoo caused a significant controversy, since this slogan was written on belt buckles of Nazi Germany soldiers.
Knees: Stars: symbolize that the owner will never be brought to his knees.
Pirate tattoo: stands for article 167 of Russian Criminal Code: “armed robbery”.
“Fortune favors the bold” in German: self-explanatory.
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