I'm out

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Welcome back man. How you been?
I got to find a job again, The gas company wasn't thrilled with learning about the re-indictment or the extra 2 weeks longer I "took off". I think it's time for another state change. Even with probation, PA is still looking real nice.

wuz up!!!

i was just thinking about you this last week.

in the who wants to be a mod thread i thought you were bian11to1...

so? how you doing?
you should set a goal/hobby.

graduate college, become a pro drifter, become a body builder. it doesn't matter what it is, just something that gives you direction. something that will keep your head in the right direction. something that will make you think, "i shouldn't do this or i'll lose my goal".
Welcome back man. Good to hear your OK, I wondered what happen to you.

Are you still in Colorado or was this leftover stuff from PA/NJ?
I'm gonna try.

I went down to NC last week, I almost rented an apt. down there, but that shit was just WAY too country. I drove up to Richmond, was a little better. B-more and DC were ok, but just a little too easy to get into trouble.

Went to court and got a felony convicton and a year probation, so I gotta stay pretty close, they will allow me to move to NJ, PA, or upstate NY without a huge hassle.

This is leftover shit from NJ. I came back for whatever reason, got all fucked up and figured I needed a shotgun, went into a Pa Wal-mart, completely trashed, attempted to buy a shotgun with felony warrants....NCIC didn't like the fact that I was attempting to purchase a firearm with a pending firearms charges and alerted police.

But I've been going to jail over, D.W.S. and possesion of C.D.S in a motor vehicle since '05.

^^^^This is what happens to people on drugs^^^^
good luck. at least you know what it is that causes you to get into trouble. hopefully you stay out of trouble for a while.
Dont go Richmond... You'll get into trouble...

I knew something was missing around here for awhile,but wasnt sure what it was...

Get anybody pregnant while you were gone? :D