looks like i might get get fired

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Hey if you get fired you are able to get unemployment comp right?
lol +1 after I "spread it around"-_-

thanks homie.

I dont think i can collect unemployment Cashizslick. I have never done and i dont think i ever will unless its really really serious. I'm no that type you know. I mean,thanks for the help but its my job to keep my family afloat no matter what.

There will always be work. It might not be the one i want but there will be work. i dont need handouts:mellow:

I'm jamming to wil's "transcend" tracks so i'm feeling so much better.
I mean,thanks for the help but its my job to keep my family afloat no matter what.

Yeah I realize that, i just wanted to bring it up as you listed money as a major concern.

I am also thinking of leaving my job very soon. I want to save up as much as i can and then leave when it gets really busy.
yeah money is always of concern. We are tight every other week. When bills come in pretty much. We normally have about 150 or less to spend for about a week till our paychecks roll around again. Nicole has money in her savings.......we just never touch it. thats all school money and stuff. Hell i dont even know how much is in there. Last i saw when we first moved out there was like 15k in there. It prolly drained since she's out of school and no more financial aid and such.

damn this cd is kick ass :lol:
I dont think i can collect unemployment Cashizslick. I have never done and i dont think i ever will unless its really really serious. I'm no that type you know
Not what type? To get help for a bit while you land another job? I think your pride is confusing unemployment with welfare...
I didn't get anything for unemployment either.

Good luck on finding another job. I think you should be able to get a good job with using your current job on your resume and the experience you have. I'm not sure if they care about your immigration status or not, though. I have some relatives with pretty decent jobs who aren't citizens, but they all went to school to get some sort of certificate or more knowledge in their field.
Not what type? To get help for a bit while you land another job? I think your pride is confusing unemployment with welfare...

No i'm not confused:D i have gone about 3 month without a job. I was selling shit and doind small side jobs to stay afloat.

I can manage.
werd....i just feel....wrong...if i have to claim unemployment...it means i cant sell myself. and i never have that problem.
No i'm not confused:D i have gone about 3 month without a job. I was selling shit and doind small side jobs to stay afloat.

I can manage.

werd....i just feel....wrong...if i have to claim unemployment...it means i cant sell myself. and i never have that problem.
You do realise that the unemployment benifits are paid from money that you, and you employer contribute. So it is your money you're collecting.
im very aware of where it comes from...i understand its my money and the people that sacked me's money.

what im saying is that if i get myself through the door at a place and cant sell myself into a job its disheartening. help desks are easy to get jobs at...and it only took me about 4 or 5 tries to get my job with my current employer as a sys admin. Apparently *nix admins arent in as high of demand as they once were. But the places that need them are willing to pay out the ass to get them.
i hear ya man... when i was having trouble finding a job and had to get unemployment it felt like a personal failure

just remember pride doesnt pay the bills... sometimes you need to put it on the back burner for a bit
yeah, i was doing consulting projects for industry friends to stay a float...when those stopped coming in i finally got a good offer.
yeah, if i had 0 income and 0 savings i would DEFINITELY be grabbing unemployment. Bills is bills. I had to dip into about $1,000 of my savings, but hey, it was better than missing a payment on my car or worse, my apt.
Hey if you get fired you are able to get unemployment comp right?

It depends. When you file for unemployment they send questionnaires out to you and to your former employers, and then make a determination based on what information they gather. At least that's how they do it in most states.

I know this because I recently looked into it. I quit my job a few weeks ago because they cut me down to 15 hours a week from nearly full time.

I'm the same way though, I know that money is there for people like me to use, but I just don't think I could bring myself to take it...I'd feel like such a failure, lol...