whats playing in YOUR deck?

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People still use CDs? :ph34r:

Well, it could be cd, mp3, satelite radio... whatever. eight-trac, cassette tape... headphones... doesn't matter. As long as it plays while you are driving. :)
gotta love Bob.. i dont even have a radio in my truck.. so i guess you could say im listening to wind and engine.. haha

I had there last album... sounded like the first one. ;)
All that remains - fall of ideals

it's the only cd i put in the truck since i bought it... so i pretty much listen to it 4 times a day (takes 2 full rotations of the disc for my commute)
Sirius Sat radio. Usually channels 14, 15, 19, 20, 23, 24,28 and sometimes maxim radio.
50 cent "power of a dollar" old school shit.
<<< the rattiling trunk of the ghetto ass caprice that seems to leave for work at the same time as me in the morning. Normally some dub of some local rappers over a beat that doesn't belong to them. Other wise it is the faint crackle of a classic rock station.
A Muse discography mp3 disc. It's been in there for quite a while. Citizen Erased, Dark Shines, and Hoodoo are INCREDIBLE songs. Great band.
Fear Factory and other similar industrial at work.

But I car pool, so it's normally NPR on the AM dial.
I only recently discovered Gogol Bordello and have been listening to all their stuff. :)
My friend introduced me to them a couple years ago. He had an extra ticket to their show here in SD at this tiny club. There was almost more of them on stage than there were people in the audience, it was great. This was right after Elijah Wood's movie "Everything is illuminated" came out, which also had Eugene in it from Gogol, so Elijah was there chillin. I guess he is going out with one of the girls in the band, who is pretty hot.
Disturbed, Godsmack, Ill Nino, Drowning Pool, System of a Down, sometimes old Slim Shady.