ufo ?

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ok last night i saw the last 15min of larry king live they were talking about ufo are they real, there was alot of big named ppl on there x president x army ect ect, they said today that all the big wigs of the world was going to have a meeting on ufo and finaly tell the public something,,or something to that effect. has anyone else saw this or know anything about this meeting between the governments
i want to know what they say at this meeting lol
Do I believe UFO's are flying around the planet randomly creating unkown phenomina? No. That just doesn't make logical sense. To get to a point of being technologically advanced enough to create an FTL (Faster Than Light) drive, you must have a logical and profound understanding of physics and the natural world.

That being said, only an idiot would think that there is no other life in the Universe. Every bit of black sky you see at night is completely filled with stars our eyes just can't see. One might argue that we have not found any other planets that look as though they would support life (besides possibly moons of Jupiter and Saturn, ie Io). However, we do not currently have a way of detecting planets as small as Earth with any kind of precision. The main way to find planets is to look at the way light from a star is bent from the gravitational pull of an orbital body. To detect this kind of information, a planet has to be huge, Jupiter sized, or larger.

With the unknown status of solar systems outside our own, it is not only likely and plausible, but almost undeniably that the forces and conditions that created life on this planet are not unique.

On a side note, anyone else an X-Files fan :)
I'll have to wait and throw my 2 cents in on this when I get home from work.
That being said, only an idiot would think that there is no other life in the Universe. Every bit of black sky you see at night is completely filled with stars our eyes just can't see. One might argue that we have not found any other planets that look as though they would support life (besides possibly moons of Jupiter and Saturn, ie Io). However, we do not currently have a way of detecting planets as small as Earth with any kind of precision. The main way to find planets is to look at the way light from a star is bent from the gravitational pull of an orbital body. To detect this kind of information, a planet has to be huge, Jupiter sized, or larger.

Correct, but recently the precision has gotten good enough that earth size planets can just be detected. There's just too many stars out there to check, by about 10 orders of magnitude. :)

To get to a point of being technologically advanced enough to create an FTL (Faster Than Light) drive, you must have a logical and profound understanding of physics and the natural world.

Yep, and in that nearly infinite space, among those nearly infinite stars, someone has to have mastered it. But aliens wouldn't make contact with us any more than we would try to make conversation with a colony of ants. If they're out there, they're watching us here in our little ant farm and we're oblivious to the giant head staring down at the colony. :)

Let's just hope they don't bust out the magnifying glass. :D
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you know how some classified military aircraft is not revealed until 50 years after its inception? Well, coupled with the tendency of the government to dismiss such things, ufos could be just that.
look at the F-117...do you think humans could design that? funny how we don't have 1 single item in our inventory that looks like that. and it was designed 30 years ago.

ufo's are real, but what they are is the question. a ufo is just that, unidentified. they could be undiscovered meteorlogical phenomenom, there is much about the earth we have yet to understand.
you know how some classified military aircraft is not revealed until 50 years after its inception? Well, coupled with the tendency of the government to dismiss such things, ufos could be just that.
thats what im thinking they are the stealth fighter was made in the late 60s or 70s and we didnt see it until late 80s
My Social Studies teacher in high school said it best

"If you consider the raw odds, of there being a planet within a given solar system that can support life, then consider that is must support life at the same time our planet is. The odds of this occurring in any given solar system are microscopic. But, given the size of the Universe it is not only a certainty that there is intelligent life somewhere else, it is one of the greatest vanities of man to think we're the only ones."

mathematically it just doesn't make sense that we could possibly be "alone"
ufo's are real,and aliens are real,:Djust had to give my .02...
but i know for a fact we are not the only living things in the entire world,
things grow and adapt to certain atmospheres,etc. somehow,somewhere there are other "things" wondering if there are aliens(those aliens being us,human)
given time i believe we will find something

mathematically it just doesn't make sense that we could possibly be "alone"
in a way it does. there might have been something out there, or there will be something out there. the distances of the universe make it improbibable that we would contact anything now. 4.5 billion light years is a long time, so lets say we found something, by the time we got there they would be extinct, even traveling at the speed of light.