what a crap day :(

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I got rear ended by a rig on a bridge in stop-and-go traffic. hit probably at 3mph and i was stopped.

no where to pull off, so he suggested we just pull over somewhere after the bridge.
ok, safer that way.... blocking traffic already...
1st exist after the bridge he dips off. I'm already past the exit, being in front of him.
got off, the next turned around, got off there looking for him... nothing.
mother fucker hit and ran me.

so, now i got to pocket the fix myself.

looks like i'll need a new trunk, rear bumper cover, and the frame around the trunk has a hit too.

off to the body shop i guess...

and yeah, for the record...

i shoulda taken a pic of his plate. i wasn't thinking... all worked up and pissed off because of it.

i shoulda fucken known better.


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damn that sucks =(

why are you going to have to pay for it out of pocket? can you call the police and get a report to send to your insurance company?
what's the ins company going to do? track down some random trucker? come on...

and no, no camera
what's the ins company going to do? track down some random trucker? come on...

and no, no camera

i meant that if you have full coverage.. shouldn't a hit and run be counted as vandalism or something?

that was all i was sayin.. sorry you're having a bad day =(
yeah your insurance should cover hit and run... i know you gotta have full coverage on that ride. the only thing that sucks is that your insurance will go up after you use it.
I have never had insurance increase because I put in a claim.
my sister in-law was involved in a hit and run. insurance covered everything and they actually were able to track down the person who hit her.
yeah just cheaper to pay out of pocket.

How is it cheaper? if its a hit and run it will fall under uninsured motorist. he is not at fault and his insurance wont go up because of it. If he has a standard deductable, it should cost him $250.00

If he pays out of pocket I'm guessing hes looking at around $1000-1500 depending on what they have to do to the trunk. if the trunk has more issues then can be seen by the pictures it could be even higher.
On a BMW? Thats probably $2k of work. Definitely not cheaper to out of pocket this one.

Full coverage is your friend.
its easily 7 grand worth of damage. the whole trunk frame is pushed in, the trunk is tweaked, the bumper cover needs re-surfacing.

i have $1000 deductible, and will be using insurance on it.

after its fixed, its gone. i'm done having nice things.

fuck america. full of shit people.
Easily a lot of damage done. I have a scuff of my car which a couple of body shops wanted 4k to fix. This is def going to be pricy. Brian let me know I'm in the market for a new car soon.
What a d-bag. I was a semi, right?? Unless I missed something. They have to report to their company for ever scheduled/unscheduled stop. They have gps and I'm sure the company would see an unscheduled stop and question why.

What a dickface though. If they get tickets, I think I heard they get fired....but that might just be for high-tech bomb hauling companies.

If it was a semi, do you remember with what company he was a associated???
damn B. that sucks. i hope ya get it fixed and damn dont sell it just because its been hit and you had to have it fixed. i thought thats why you had that Dodge was to drive it daily and your BMW as the weekend car. maybe its time to do that again???
damn B. that sucks. i hope ya get it fixed and damn dont sell it just because its been hit and you had to have it fixed. i thought thats why you had that Dodge was to drive it daily and your BMW as the weekend car. maybe its time to do that again???


That's what I thought too. Or is the truck just for winters?