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  • Users: Celerity
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Celerity

    Enemy of the State

    Fuck Connecticut. Ok, pay attention. October 13th, Snow is coming, and the Celica and CRX will not be on the road for the winter, so when it comes time to renew my insurance I only renew the Civic. (That, and the Civic is all I can afford). This is common. When you have a car that will sit...
  2. Celerity

    P.M. Joke

    Charlie had a massive heart attack and died. His body was delivered to the mortuary. He had been wearing an expensive, expertly tailored black suit at the time of his demise, so he really looked wonderful, considering the circumstances. His wife went to the funeral home to make the final...
  3. Celerity

    A Celerity Rant

    Being a Courier, Driver, or delivery guy sucks ass. I've been performing a few months research on the subject, and I have found quite simply no way of making any money at this profession. Which is a Shame, because it's a skilled job that deserves a harder look. That's the conclusion of my...
  4. Celerity

    Bomb Florida

    LeSabre on 26" dubs. Vehicle of the month. -> Steve Oh jesus it gets worse: El Cameeeeno
  5. Celerity

    2 Wheel Moto-Magic

    How is it that buying a bike - any bike - can suddenly make cars lose their appeal ? I'm getting a 77 XS750 Yamahahaha triple. It's free. Needs some work. Still, I don't even think about cars anymore. Any of you bike guys suffer the same ? -> Steve
  6. Celerity

    Get your Banjo..

    My new CB install. For cruises, trips to Niagara and the such - Plus this is my highway machine for now. I have a CB in the truck (A better tuned Johnson Bearcat) but I figured I would toss this in the Civic for a neat little experiment.. I have no CB antenna. I've got my radio antenna...
  7. Celerity

    More fun

    IF you have every gadget in your car, Then perhaps it's time you looked into This. I really want one for my 4Runner. Talk about ultimate road trip vehicle. MP3, PC, Shortwave, CB, Satellite radio, screens and navigation. Oh yeah. -> Steve
  8. Celerity

    Some Fun

    FM Broadcast unit Yeah, I'm a ham too. Neat item, DO NOT BID ON IT unless you're licenced. The FCC DOES track things like this and you'll get bitch slapped with a fine for even ordering it. But it is a good way to have fun with traffic. -> Steve
  9. Celerity

    Blasphemer !

    Ok, listen. I was raised with 0 religion. I mean none at all. I have never been to church except when I was 16 and I got so bored I left after 30 minutes. I don't know even know what church it was, or what sect it was. I'm not even sure it wasn't a synagogue. Judaism for some reason is...
  10. Celerity

    We're from the Future, part 2

    General opinion by all those at the April 4th Bristol autocross: "Insights ROCK". Thanks for bringing the I, E. 2 seconds slower than Larry Boardman, in his 1998 Camaro 6spd V8. And yes, Completely annihilated a certain someone's Mirage. :) -> Steve
  11. Celerity

    Behold my Glory

    55th Place FTD 3rd to last, PAX Oh boy. I'm the season started just great . -> Steve Earl
  12. Celerity

    RPR Background nominee

    If you aren't a member of RPR, then I brought it here. Bon Appetit. 56k beware. Big picture. April Calendar. -> Steve
  13. Celerity

    Some car terms

    Let's see how many of us have this in common: Victory Lap: When you show up with your ride, to say the Mall or the Movie theater, and even though you will be parking way in back, alone - you'll still do a lap in front of the doors to show off the car. You'll do it on the way out too, even...
  14. Celerity

    Without a Doubt,

    Fucked if I know. Watch the whole thing, try to solve the myst-like puzzles. -> Steve If your ears start to bleed, don't say I Didn't warn ya
  15. Celerity

    the Real-Time BeaveRun progress thread

    Waterbury, Friday AM Funny enough, right after you guys sped off (Thanks for the cut-off Travis!) mall security showed up and GRILLED me about the gathering. Fuckers. They told me I couldn't take photos and escorted me out of the lot. -> Steve
  16. Celerity

    "It's NASCAR, Not NAS******!"

    Foaming at the mouth Redneck NASCAR rant This is hysterical ! It's audio-only, radio station prank call gone wrong. It's censored, so if you can listen to any audio at work, it's work-safe. -> Steve "It's NASCAR not BLACKSCAR! Can whites have JUST ONE SPORT without niggers?!"
  17. Celerity

    Monster Garages

    Dream Corvette Garage Some of you may get Popular Science like I do. I immediately fold out to the advertising section now a days to check out the Popular Science Smart Garage. Wow. -> Steve
  18. Celerity

    What in the hell...

    Check out the description and pics of the hatch The rear logo looks authentic enough.. If you think it's a rebadge and some sorta rice let us know. If you've seen one, let us know -> Steve
  19. Celerity


    -> Steve
  20. Celerity

    Billions of dollars spent,....

    So that Humans can do burn-outs on Mars. -> Steve
  21. Try your Search on Google
