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    Dairy Queen Blizzards

    FUCK DQ!! I used to work there. I did nothing wrong but someone on the staff had been stealing money so they fired a whole bunch of people including me b/c they had no actual proof on who did it. Also the owners spoiled bitch of a son didnt like me too much so thats probably another reason why...
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    I dont know what the big deal is w/ getin ur wisdom teeth removed. I wanted to go out w/ my friends that same night ahha, Coincidencely me and my other friend got ours taken out on the same day and for some reason neither one of us had that much pain. They gave me some codeine IBU profein shit...
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    The Best?

    all i have to say is Preludes r the shit..... my .02
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    Hyper Ground Wires

    Yeah that was another big question of mine. Where exactly do all the wires go????? Nehelp would be great.
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    Hyper Ground Wires

    Can someone explain to me how you install Hyper Ground Wires and explain exactly how i could benefit from them. If someone has a diagram they could send me on an installation that would help. Or a website would be nice. I dont want to buy the kit but i heard you can use regular 4awg wires cuz...
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    The Girl Injured By A Drunk Driver...

    jeez that really does make u think about all the times i was just lucky.... Thats really sad.
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    Just curious... what do u all consider to be too many miles on a car that is being tuned before its not worth it? Mine has 97000 so i figure its still got some time left but my good friend is tuning is Prelude and it has 134000? And this other guys civic has 149000. Both r wanting to tune the...
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    What To Do Next?

    I have to admit theres some body kits out there on some cars that look pretty bad ass. However we have all seen some out there that are totaly beyond ridiculous, like my neighbor for instance haha. Go for what ur into and ur style. But like everyone else id say go geturself an alarm or/and...
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    Bush To Go On Tv At 8pm Est

    Man i have to admit im getting sick and tired of Iraq this and Iraq that. Personally id like for us to go in there and get it over w/. Im not in the military but i have tons of friends that are in and are inlisting. Some have already been shipped out and some are soon to be. So id hate to lose...
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    Dyno Testing

    I was just wondering where can you get your car dyno tested at? How much does it cost roughly? And out of curiousity how do they actually test it? Thanks alot.
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    Look Out For Cameros!

    Hell ya theres po's rollin around in cameros over here in KS. There only on the highway though. I remember one time they came up behind me but they pulled the guy next to me over.... man that was close haha.
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    My vote is for kazaa i think it works great. I would be intrested in paying a LOW monthly fee to d/l songs but i wont do that until i have to. I wouldnt pay more then 5 or so bucks though.
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    The Ugliest Thing I've Ever Seen

    Thats so terrible i just dont know where to begin...
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    You Know You Want Them

    News flash man.... Altezza lights r played out!!!!
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    Rota Wheels

    G U N M E T A L ! ! ! Thats definatly what im gonna slap on my Lude.
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    Nice Pic

    DDAAAMMMNNNN, id hit that.
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    I Am Mad

    Man i regret spending alot of money on high end phones. Retail on the one i got was 4 bills but b/c i knew a guy who worked at sprint plus the the phone was on sale so i got it for 225. Thats a hell of a deal but not worth it cuz one night i thought my phone got jacked as well but i ended up...
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    Hot.... Or, Not?!?!?

    That civic looks hella clean but im sorry the sticker on the side has got to go. Im not a sticker or decal kind of guy. Other then that i thought the car was really nice.
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    Should I Sell My Car

    I would get the 240sx. My homeboy just trade his civic for one and he just got done droppin an s14 in it. Personally i think the bod style isnt all that but my friends ride is hella fast. He hasnt clocked it yet but when i was w/ him he smoked ricers left and right.
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