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  1. whiterabbit06

    73 Civic Build

    I knew there was one that was longer. I couldn't remember exactly which one. Either way is getting tubes for the suspension as well.
  2. whiterabbit06

    73 Civic Build

    It's not just for clearance. I'm tubing it for the custom suspension as well. Just fyi the 1200 versions head a few more inches in length which is why you don't have clearance issues.
  3. whiterabbit06

    73 Civic Build

    I've had a lot of stuff going on in life that has prevented me from actually working on the 73, although I'm in the position to start working on it once again. I've completely stripped it down and it's in bad shape. I've got sections that I have to cut out of the floor pan and firewall that are...
  4. whiterabbit06

    It's a new car!

    Hey, yea it had an actual Honda motor. The front bumper extension is actually just like taped on there with double sided foam from the factory. It's the only one I've seen with that piece and I actually really liked it because it made it different. I actually just got rid of this one in February...
  5. whiterabbit06

    Anyone in Chicago?

    I'm not sure how long I'll be here but I was wondering if any of you guys are up here.
  6. whiterabbit06

    2016 HS Christmas trees

    Fixed. :p
  7. whiterabbit06

    2016 HS Christmas trees

    Tis my life, lol. The wife is pregnant and about to pop any day now. Usually the wires are behind a book shelf. Posted from my phone and they are right side up there. :p
  8. whiterabbit06

    2016 HS Christmas trees

    It's nearly that time again. Let's see your trees when you get them up. Extenuating circumstances dictate I put my tree up a little earlier than I normally would.
  9. whiterabbit06

    Raspberry Pi I use this site for my raspberry stuff. They've got starter kits and they've got the SenseHAT boards you are required to have. If you dont need a case or power supply for the raspberry you could save yourself about $30. I've got one of the pitft screens from them which...
  10. whiterabbit06

    My 79 1200

    Is a link that tries to download and install some crap. Probably Spyware.
  11. whiterabbit06

    My first wall mounted PC, still in progress >_>

    If you look at a lot of the setups the fans hardly spin at all. I'm guessing it works mainly on the principal of heat rising so the mineral oil would be constantly removing heat from the heat sinks and bringing the warm fluid to the top of the tank letting the cooler fluid sink back down to...
  12. whiterabbit06

    My first wall mounted PC, still in progress >_>

    I've been wanting to do this for a while.
  13. whiterabbit06

    Do you think I can still use this rim?

    It's already been fixed. $120 for new axles $270 for new lower control arms $43 for new abs speed sensor $86 for junkyard rim to match $20 for junkyard half shaft because the engine mount bracket broke and the dealership is the only one that sells them at $341 and with a week ship time
  14. whiterabbit06

    Do you think I can still use this rim?

    I replaced the lower control arms, the axles, and the half shaft that had the bracket broken. I also got a new rim off of a junk yard car that hadn't been out in the yard yet so they all match again. I still need to get an ABS sensor because I didn't realize it and it got yanked enough to make...
  15. whiterabbit06

    Ugraded to SSD, such a pain...

    ...Function ConvertToKey(Key) Const KeyOffset = 52 i = 28 Chars = "BCDFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789" Do Cur = 0 x = 14 Do Cur = Cur * 256 Cur = Key(x + KeyOffset) + Cur Key(x + KeyOffset) = (Cur \ 24) And 255 Cur = Cur Mod 24 x = x -1 Loop While x >= 0 i = i -1 KeyOutput = Mid(Chars, Cur + 1, 1) &...
  16. whiterabbit06

    Do you think I can still use this rim?

    This is what happens when your ball joints decide to give up. Luckily I was comming to a stop at a stop sign and didn't make it out into traffic and wasn't going highway speeds like I was about to.
  17. whiterabbit06

    Ugraded to SSD, such a pain...

    As long as you have a valid windows 7 key on a sticker on your computer then you could always download the disk image from microsoft and burn it onto a cd.
  18. whiterabbit06

    Ugraded to SSD, such a pain...

    I concur, I usually format and reinstall my OS every 6 months or so anyways.
  19. whiterabbit06

    D16z6 Turbo Build
