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  1. Dustin_m

    Gardening Thread

    Yea he said that I could come get some stuff when I want, so that's cool. Just not sure how often ill want to come over. Looking good. The only issue I see is that those squash plants will probably get big and they might be a little close together. Not sure how big those plants will get in...
  2. Dustin_m

    Gardening Thread

    This fuckin blows. I'll be leaving my garden behind in about 11 days because I'm moving out of the place i'm living. Kind of a long story, but basically I have a roommate who had his girlfriend move into an empty room a few months back when we kicked a guy out. Well when she moved in they...
  3. Dustin_m

    Gardening Thread

    Awesome. Yea the smaller squash are better than the large ones.
  4. Dustin_m

    $89,000 Bugatti Veyron

    Well Audi and Bugatti are both owned be VW so that makes sense
  5. Dustin_m

    $89,000 Bugatti Veyron

    I'm always curious what people like this do for the headlights. If you look closely, it looks like the lights on the fake veyron aren't real Bugatti one. If they aren't then how in the hell did he get those made to look like that? I mean, anyone with enough time to learn can learn to do...
  6. Dustin_m

    looking to get a camera.

    That's partially true that the D300 is better for action, but that is also true with the 7D as well. The reason I mentioned the D300 is that it is on par with the Canon 7D, and the D700 is comparable to the 5D. There are some differences, but for the most part they are comparable. I'm not...
  7. Dustin_m

    $89,000 Bugatti Veyron

    I wonder if any of the body panels vibrate and wobble like a shitty body kit when he drives down the road
  8. Dustin_m

    looking to get a camera.

    If you are looking to buy used (and that's the only way you'll get a decent setup in that price range) check out KEH. They are well known and are a very reputable company. They are also known to rate the condition of an item a bit worse than it actually is, which is good for you. I've bought...
  9. Dustin_m

    Gardening Thread

    I actually was going to post it, but I want to try some different ingredients first. The olive was too overpowering on the last one so I'm gonna try a couple things that I have in mind. I'll post it up when I figure it out..
  10. Dustin_m

    Gardening Thread

    it's not cucumber, probably zucchini. The cucumber stays low to the ground an grows outward almost like a vine. I noticed today that some of my corn plants are flowering (blooming? not sure what to call it with corn). I also have a tomato that's already turning red and quite a few bell peppers...
  11. Dustin_m

    oh the irony

    ^_^ I didn't even read what kind of bike he was on lol
  12. Dustin_m

    oh the irony

    Good riddance. He was probably the type of asshole that would fly past you doing a wheelie @ 70 mph.
  13. Dustin_m

    Gardening Thread

    Never seen em that big. Actually I don't think I've ever seen em with the hair, just a bright light green fat ass worm with a horn.
  14. Dustin_m

    Gardening Thread

    I got 1 habanero, 1 tabasco, and 4 serranos growing. The serranos are starting to form some peppers but the hab and tabasco aren't yet. Any suggestions for some good dishes to make with them?
  15. Dustin_m

    Gardening Thread

    raspberries are a berry, the plant is not something he planted, so i called them wild berries...:shrug2: in other news.... If any of you haven't ever tried squash blossoms, they are fucking awesome. I cut a few off the other day to have with a quinoa/cucumber/goat cheese/olive wrap that I...
  16. Dustin_m

    Gardening Thread

    I waited a while to weed mine for the same reason. I'd have been pissed if I accidentally pulled up a good plant. As far as the starter plants, I know the climate is pretty different for you, but my family has always grown quite a bit of stuff in the garden and I can't remember a single time...
  17. Dustin_m

    need ur votes guys

    just voted on both
  18. Dustin_m

    Gardening Thread

    wild berries are awesome. So you ended up replanting everything or what?
  19. Dustin_m

    Gardening Thread

    Here's what I've picked so far: And this is what I made last night: Catfish fillet w/ a peppercorn/lime/butter pan sauce, cilantro lime jasmine rice, and a mix of yellow squash, zucchini, and snow peas cooked in the wok until they were just barely tender. I just made a simple little salad...
  20. Dustin_m

    Anyone live in or around San Diego?

    I live in Clairemont, around Balboa & Gennessee. why?